Store settings

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Go to Kentico CMS Desk -> Tools -> E- commerce -> Configuration -> Store Settings and set the following values:


General tab


Default country - <choose your country or country where you sell most>
Minimum amount for free shipping - the minimum order value when the shipping is not charged
Allow anonymous customers - indicates if customers need to create a user account in your site so that they can make the purchase
Use an extra company address - indicates if the option of providing company address is available in the check out process
Require company account information - indicates if it is compulsory to provide company account information in the check out process
Show Organization ID field - indicates if organization ID field should be displayed
Show Tax registration ID field - indicates if organization ID field (e.g. VAT registration ID) should be displayed
Main currency - default currency use as base for calculation of exchange rates


After clicking the Change button next to main currency, a new dialog appears. In the dialog, you can select items which should be recalculate according to exchange rate to the new main currency.





Emails tab


Send e-commerce e-mails from - an e-mail address from which the e-mail notifications are sent
Send e-commerce e-mails to - an e-mail address (e.g. merchant's e-mail address) to which the e-mail notifications are sent
Send order notification - indicates if notifications are sent after an order is finished and saved.The e-mail template E-commerce order notification to customer is used when sending notification to customer. The e-mail template E-commerce order notification to administrator is used when sending notification to administrator.
Send payment notification - indicates if a notification is sent after payment is completed. The e-mail template E-commerce - Order payment notification to customer is used when sending notification to customer. The e-mail template E-commerce - Order payment notification to administrator is used when sending notification to administrator.



Checkout process tab


Here you can either create a new stepstoreSettings1 in the checkout process or you can edit storeSettings2 or delete storeSettings3 existing steps or change their succession storeSettings4.


For more information about purchase process please refer to the Customizing the purchase process chapter.