Click or drag to resize
AbstractAction Class
Base class for the UniGrid actions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.UIControls.UniGridConfig
Assembly: CMS.UIControls (in CMS.UIControls.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public abstract class AbstractAction

The AbstractAction type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAbstractAction
Initalizes a new instance of AbstractAction.
Protected methodAbstractAction(String)
Initalizes a new instance of AbstractAction with given name.
Protected methodAbstractAction(XElement)
Initalizes a new instance of AbstractAction with given action.
Public propertyCaption
Specifies the resource string used as the tooltip of the image defined in the icon attribute. Must begin and end with the $ character. Sample value: "$General.Delete$"
Public propertyCaptionText
Gets the caption text of the action. Caches the value.
Public propertyCommandArgument
The name of the column whose value should be passed as the actionArgument parameter of the OnAction event handler. If not defined, the first column of the data source is used.
Public propertyConfirmation
The resource string used in a JavaScript confirmation. Most commonly used as a confirmation for delete type actions. Must begin and end with the $ character. Sample value: "$General.ConfirmDelete$"
Public propertyContextMenu
The relative path to a control (.ascx file) that implements a context menu for the action. Controls created for this purpose must inherit from the CMS.Base.Web.UI.CMSContextMenuControl class. Sample value: "~/CMSAdminControls/UI/UniGrid/Controls/ObjectMenu.ascx"
Public propertyExternalSourceName
Name of the action that is passed as the sourceName parameter of the OnExternalDataBound event handler. Sample value: "deletefile"
Public propertyHideIfNotAuthorized
Indicates if action is hidden if user is not authorized for specified module permissions and module UI elements.
Public propertyMenuParameter
Contains an array of parameters passed to the control implementing the action's context menu (the path to this control must be specified in the contextmenu attribute). These parameters may be retrieved in the control's code using the GetContextMenuParameter JavaScript function. The columns defined in the parameters attribute of the <actions> element may be entered as parameters using the following expressions: {0} - first parameter {1} - second parameter and so forth. "new Array('', '{0}')"
Public propertyModuleName
Module code name. Sample value: "cms.ecommerce"
Public propertyMouseButton
Specifies which mouse button causes the action's context menu to appear (if a context menu is enabled via the contextmenu attribute). If not defined, both mouse buttons open the context menu. Possible values: "left", "right"
Public propertyName
Name of the action. This is passed to the handler of the OnAction event as the actionName parameter. Sample value: "delete"
Public propertyOnClick
The JavaScript OnClick function for the given action. It may use the columns defined in the parameters attribute of the 'actions' element as parameters, which can be called by using the following expressions: {0} - first parameter {1} - second parameter and so forth. "alert(‘{0}’);"
Public propertyPermissions
Names of the module permissions which should be checked before the action is handled. Use comma as separator for multiple permissions. Sample value: "modify;manage"
Public propertySafeName
Safe name of the action which can be used as an identifier. Caches the value.
Public propertyUIElements
Names of the module UI elements which should be checked before the action is handled. Use comma as separator for multiple UI elements. Sample value: "uielement1;uielement2"
Protected methodStatic memberGetAttribute(XmlNode, String)
Gets the value for particular attribute of the XML node.
Protected methodStatic memberGetAttribute(XmlNode, String, String)
Gets the value for particular attribute of the XML node.
See Also