MacroResolver Class |
Namespace: CMS.MacroEngine
public class MacroResolver : IMacroResolver, INotCopyThreadItem
The MacroResolver type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
MacroResolver | Obsolete.
Name | Description | |
Represents unresolved keyword.
Name | Description | |
Culture |
Culture for the resolving
| |
ResolverName |
Resolver name used for context specific resolving.
| |
Settings |
Macro resolver settings.
| |
ShowOnlyPrioritized |
If true, only prioritized properties are shown in Macro components (IntelliSense, MacroSelector, ...).
Influences only visual part of the components, resolver will still be able to resolve all the others as well.
| |
SourceObject |
Object with source data - To pass parameters to Custom macro function.
Name | Description | |
AddAnonymousSourceData |
Adds new anonymous data source of general type to the resolver.
| |
AddSourceAlias |
Adds alternative source expression.
| |
CheckDataSources |
Checks all the data sources for the value. Returns true if given data member was found within supported data sources.
| |
CheckObjectPermissions |
Checks whether given identity option has Read permissions for given object type.
| |
CreateChild |
Creates new instance of MacroResolver as a child resolver that loads the data from the parent resolver by default.
| |
EncapsulateObject |
Encapsulates object if needed (DataSet, DataRow, DataTable to their Container equivalent).
| |
FinalizeResult |
Finalizes the result (makes the result string).
| |
GetAnonymousSources |
Returns list of all aggregated anonymous sources (from the whole resolver hierarchy).
| |
GetHiddenRegisteredDataNames |
Returns set of registered hidden named data sources (including all hidden named data sources registered in the parent(s) of the resolver, it's an union of keys through the whole hierarchy).
Includes only hidden sources (which are tracked only in DevelopmentMode)
| |
GetInstance |
Creates new instance of MacroResolver.
| |
GetNamedSourceData |
Gets the named source data by the given selector.
| |
GetObjectValue(Object, Int32, EvaluationContext) |
Gets the object value at given index (this is called when indexer [(int)] is used in the expression).
| |
GetObjectValue(Object, String, EvaluationContext) |
Gets the object value of specified name.
| |
GetPrioritizedDataNames |
Returns set of prioritized named data sources (including all prioritized named data sources registered in the parent(s) of the resolver, it's an union of keys through the whole hierarchy).
DOES NOT include non-prioritized keys (call GetRegisteredDataNames to get those).
| |
GetRegisteredDataNames |
Returns set of registered named data sources (including all named data sources registered in the parent(s) of the resolver, it's an union of keys through the whole hierarchy).
DOES NOT include prioritized keys (call GetPrioritizedDataNames to get those).
| |
GetSourceAlias |
Gets the named source data by the given selector.
| |
IsDataItemAvailable |
Checks all the data sources for the value and returns true if the data item is registered.
| |
NamedSourceDataExists |
Returns true if given source data is known (can be null, but the property has to be registered).
| |
PostProcessResult |
If the object is InfoObject, returns its DisplayName column (if exists).
| |
PrioritizeProperty |
Prioritizes a property (equivalent to using SetNamedSourceData with last parameter true).
| |
RegisterNamespace |
Registers a namespace within this macro resolver
| |
RegisterObjectValueByIndexHandler |
Registers GetObjectValueByName handler(s) to extend possibilities of MacroEngine to dig values from particular object types.
These handlers are internally used when a property is requested out of a given object. First the default object types are checked, then all the handlers (the order of the handler evaluation is not guaranteed).
| |
RegisterObjectValueByNameHandler |
Registers GetObjectValueByName handler(s) to extend possibilities of MacroEngine to dig values from particular object types.
These handlers are internally used when a property is requested out of a given object. First the default object types are checked, then all the handlers (the order of the handler evaluation is not guaranteed).
| |
Resolve |
Resolves the context macros.
| |
ResolveCurrentPath |
Resolves the given alias path, applies the path segment to the given format string {0} for level 0.
| |
ResolveCustomMacro |
Resolves the custom macro.
| |
ResolveMacroExpression(ResolveExpressionSettings) |
Resolves the data macro expression (expects expression without {% %} brackets).
| |
ResolveMacroExpression(String, Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Resolves the data macro expression (expects expression without {% %} brackets).
Use RemoveDataMacroBrackets(String) method to remove brackets if needed.
| |
ResolveMacros |
Resolves all supported macro types in the given text within specified resolving context.
| |
ResolvePath |
Resolves the path macro.
| |
SetAnonymousSourceData |
Sets (replaces all existing anonymous sources) specified data source (without name) of general type to the resolver.
| |
SetHiddenNamedSourceData(String, FuncEvaluationContext, Object) |
Registers the named source data with late binding. Callback is called whenever the value is needed by MacroResolver.
| |
SetHiddenNamedSourceData(String, Object) |
Registers the named source data with late binding. Callback is called whenever the value is needed by MacroResolver.
| |
SetNamedSourceData(Hashtable) |
Sets hashtable data source to the resolver. Keys of the table are considered names of the data.
| |
SetNamedSourceData(IDictionaryString, Object, Boolean) |
Sets given name-value pairs to the resolver.
| |
SetNamedSourceData(MacroField, Boolean) |
Registers given field as the named source data.
| |
SetNamedSourceData(String, Object, Boolean) |
Registers the named source data. The data can be accessed with macro {%Selector.ColumnName%}. Selector has to be in identifier format.
| |
SetNamedSourceDataCallback |
Registers the named source data with late binding. Callback is called whenever the value is needed by MacroResolver.
| |
SkippedResolver |
Returns true if the macro processing skipped particular resolver name
Name | Description | |
OnGetValue |
Gets value event.
| |
OnResolveCustomMacro |
Custom macro event.