UIContextHelper Class |
Namespace: CMS.FormEngine.Web.UI
public class UIContextHelper
The UIContextHelper type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
UIContextHelper |
Name | Description | |
Default directory for uni grids definitions
| |
Represents key for storing query string
Name | Description | |
AppendDialogHash |
Appends hash to URL if context contains dialog parameter
| |
CheckElementAvailabilityInUI |
Checks the UI element availability. This check includes evaluation of the element's macro
condition, license check of the element's feature and check if the element's resource (module)
is available.
| |
CheckElementVisibilityCondition |
Checks visibility condition of the UI element given.
| |
CheckFeatureAvailableInUI |
Checks for element's feature availability for UI.
| |
CheckHelpTopicVisiblityCondition |
Checks visibility condition of the helpTopic given.
| |
CheckSelectedElement |
Checks if given element is parent of selected element (based by ID path)
| |
CorrectChildParentRelations |
Appends URL suffix to element's URL. Replace objectID for parentobjectID if object types are different (parent-child)
| |
FindElementFeature |
Returns element feature. If feature is empty, tries to find it from parents.
| |
GetApplicationDescriptionUrl |
Returns URL to Application description for given element.
If provided element doesn't have an application, empty string is returned.
| |
GetElementBreadcrumbsSuffix |
Gets UI element breadcrumbs suffix.
| |
GetElementUrl(UIElementInfo, UIContext) |
Returns element's URL based on elements type
| |
GetElementUrl(String, String, UIContext) |
Returns element's URL based on element's type
| |
GetElementUrl(UIElementInfo, Boolean, Int32, String) |
Returns element's URL
| |
GetElementUrl(String, String, Boolean, Int32, String) |
Returns element's URL
| |
GetObjectBreadcrumbsText |
Returns object's breadcrumbs text.
| |
GetObjectType |
Gets object type of (created)edited object (if any)
| |
GetTitleText |
Gets title text based on 'titletext' property. If this property is not found, use element's caption (not localized).
| |
GetUIContext |
Returns control's UI context. If no parent control contains own UI context, use main page's (stored in request stock helper).