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EmailHelperQueue Class
Contains simple services for queue management actions callable from UI.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.EmailEngine
Assembly: CMS.EmailEngine (in CMS.EmailEngine.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public static class Queue

The EmailHelperQueue type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberSendingInProgess
Gets a value indicating whether there are active sending threads.
Public methodStatic memberCancelSending
Cancels currently running mailout and optionally logs a web farm task propagating the cancellation.
Public methodStatic memberDelete(Int32)
Deletes an e-mail with the specified ID.
Public methodStatic memberDelete(Int32)
Deletes e-mails with the specified IDs.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteAll
Deletes all e-mails waiting in the queue.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteAllFailed
Deletes all e-mails whose delivery failed.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteArchived
Deletes all archived e-mails.
Public methodStatic memberSend(Int32)
Sends an e-mail with the specified ID.
Public methodStatic memberSend(Int32)
Sends e-mail messages with the specified IDs.
Public methodStatic memberSendAll
Sends all e-mails waiting in the queue.
Public methodStatic memberSendAll(Int32)
Sends all e-mails for given siteId.
Public methodStatic memberSendAllFailed
Sends all e-mails whose delivery failed.
Public methodStatic memberSendAllFailed(Int32)
Sends all e-mails whose delivery failed for given siteId.
Public methodStatic memberSendScheduled
Runs the e-mail queue mailout in a separate thread.
Public methodStatic memberSendScheduledAndFailed
Sends all e-mails waiting in the queue. Also sends all failed emails, which are newer than DateTime.
See Also