Feature types.
Namespace: CMS.DataEngineAssembly: CMS.DataEngine (in CMS.DataEngine.dll) Version: 13.0.131
Syntax Members
| Member name | Value | Description |
| Unknown | 0 |
Unknown feature.
| DocumentLevelPermissions | 1 |
Document level permissions.
| BizForms | 2 |
| WorkflowVersioning | 3 |
Workflow versioning.
| AdvancedWorkflow | 4 |
Advanced workflow.
| MarketingAutomation | 5 |
Marketing automation.
| Newsletters | 6 |
| Multilingual | 7 |
| Staging | 8 |
| Ecommerce | 9 |
| Webfarm | 10 |
| WebAnalytics | 11 |
Web analytics.
| Administrators | 12 |
Global administrators.
| Editors | 13 |
| SiteMembers | 14 |
Site members.
| Documents | 15 |
| Subscribers | 16 |
| CustomTables | 17 |
Custom Tables.
| UserContributions | 18 |
User contributions.
| ADImportTool | 19 |
Active directory import tool.
| Membership | 20 |
| IntegrationBus | 21 |
System integration bus.
| ObjectVersioning | 22 |
Object versioning.
| LeadScoring | 23 |
Lead scoring
| ABTesting | 24 |
A/B Testing
| CampaignAndConversions | 25 |
Campaign and conversions
| ContentPersonalization | 26 |
Content personalization
| MultipleSMTPServers | 27 |
Multiple SMTP servers
| SchedulerWinService | 28 |
Scheduler windows service
| TranslationServices | 29 |
Translation services
| SalesForce | 30 |
SalesForce connector
| DBSeparation | 31 |
Contact management database separation.
| NewsletterABTesting | 32 |
Newsletter A/B Testing
| NewsletterTracking | 33 |
Newsletter tracking (open e-mail, click through and bounces)
| SocialMarketing | 34 |
Publishing to Facebook and Twitter social networks
| SocialMarketingInsights | 35 |
Providing access to social media analytics information
| Personas | 36 |
Displaying content to visitors based on Personas
| SharePoint | 37 |
SharePoint integration
| ContinuousIntegration | 38 |
Continuous integration
| SimpleContactManagement | 39 |
Contact management with basic functionality
| FullContactManagement | 40 |
Contact management for EMS - full functionality
| DataProtection | 41 |
Data protection
See Also