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ActivityDto Class
Represents lightweight version of ActivityInfo. This class should be used instead of ActivityInfo in places when dealing with the regular info object has to big performance impact and features provided by BaseInfo are not required.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Activities.Internal
Assembly: CMS.Activities (in CMS.Activities.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public class ActivityDto : IDataTransferObject, 

The ActivityDto type exposes the following members.

Public methodActivityDto
Instantiate new instance of ActivityDto.
Public methodActivityDto(DataRow)
Instantiate new instance of ActivityDto.
Public methodActivityDto(ActivityInfo)
Instantiate new instance of ActivityDto.
Public propertyActivityABVariantName
Gets or sets the AB test variant name.
Public propertyActivityCampaign
Gets or sets the campaign code name for this activity.
Public propertyActivityComment
Gets or set additional comment.
Public propertyActivityContactGUID
Gets or sets the GUID of the active contact for this activity.
Public propertyActivityContactID
Gets or sets the ID of the active contact for this activity.
Public propertyActivityCreated
Gets or sets the date and time the activity was created.
Public propertyActivityCulture
Gets or sets the document culture where activity occurred.
Public propertyActivityID
Gets or sets the activity ID.
Public propertyActivityItemDetailID
Gets or sets the ID othe item detail that relates to this activity.
Public propertyActivityItemID
Gets or sets the ID of the item that relates to this activity.
Public propertyActivityNodeID
Gets or sets the node ID that relates to this activity.
Public propertyActivitySiteID
Gets or sets the site ID for this activity.
Public propertyActivityTitle
Gets or sets the activity title.
Public propertyActivityType
Gets or sets the type of the activity.
Public propertyActivityURL
Gets or sets the URL of this activity.
Public propertyActivityURLHash
Gets or sets hash result of ActivityURL. The hash is needed for PAGE_VISIT activity type.
Public propertyActivityURLReferrer
Gets or sets URL referrer.
Public propertyActivityUTMContent
Gets or sets the campaign UTM content for this activity.
Public propertyActivityUTMSource
Gets or sets the campaign UTM source for this activity.
Public propertyActivityValue
Gets or sets the value of this activity.
Public methodFillDataContainer
Fills given dataContainer with values from current ActivityDto.
Public methodToActivityInfo
Creates new instance of ActivityInfo from the current ActivityDto.
See Also