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User Properties

The User type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEnabled
Indicates if the user is enabled. This represents the lockout notion in ASP.NET Identity.
(Inherited from ApplicationUser.)
Public propertyFirstName
First name.
(Inherited from ApplicationUser.)
Public propertyFullName
Full name.
(Inherited from ApplicationUser.)
Public propertyGUID
(Inherited from ApplicationUser.)
Public propertyIsExternal
Indicates that the user can be logged in only through an external authentication provider.
(Inherited from ApplicationUser.)
Public propertyLastName
Last name.
(Inherited from ApplicationUser.)
Public propertyRoles
Roles of the user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUser.)
Public propertyWaitingForApproval
Together with Enabled indicates whether the user needs to wait for administrator's approval before logging in.
(Inherited from ApplicationUser.)
See Also