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CheckBoxProperties Properties

The CheckBoxProperties type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDataType
Gets or sets the underlying field data type.
(Inherited from FormComponentProperties.)
Public propertyDefaultValue
Gets or sets the default value of the form component and underlying field.
(Overrides FormComponentProperties<TValue>.DefaultValue.)
Public propertyExplanationText
Gets or sets the explanation text of the form component.
(Inherited from FormComponentProperties.)
Public propertyGuid
Gets or sets the underlying field GUID.
(Inherited from FormComponentProperties.)
Public propertyLabel
Gets or sets the label of the form component.
(Inherited from FormComponentProperties.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the underlying field name.
(Inherited from FormComponentProperties.)
Public propertyPlaceholder
Gets or sets the value displayed as placeholder in the input. Override and annotate with EditingComponentAttribute to make this property editable in properties panel.
(Inherited from FormComponentProperties.)
Public propertyPrecision
Gets or sets the underlying field precision.
(Inherited from FormComponentProperties.)
Public propertyRequired
Gets or sets value indicating whether the underlying field is required. False by default. If false, the form component's implementation must accept nullable input.
(Overrides FormComponentProperties.Required.)
Public propertySize
Gets or sets the underlying field size.
(Inherited from FormComponentProperties.)
Public propertySmartField
Gets or sets value indicating whether the underlying field is smart field. False by default.
(Inherited from FormComponentProperties.)
Public propertyText
Represents the input value in the resulting HTML.
Public propertyTooltip
Gets or sets the tooltip of the form component.
(Inherited from FormComponentProperties.)
Public propertyValidationRuleConfigurations
Gets or sets validation rule configurations assigned to the form component.
(Inherited from FormComponentProperties.)
Public propertyVisibilityConditionConfiguration
Gets or sets visibility condition configuration assigned to the form component.
(Inherited from FormComponentProperties.)
See Also