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PortalHelper Properties

The PortalHelper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberDefaultPageLayoutIconClass
Gets the default web part font icon CSS class.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultPageTemplateIconClass
Gets the default web part font icon CSS class.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultWebPartIconClass
Gets the default web part font icon CSS class.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultWidgetIconClass
Gets the default widget font icon CSS class.
Public propertyStatic memberDisplayContentInDesignMode
If true, web part content should be displayed in design mode.
Public propertyStatic memberDisplayContentInUIElementDesignMode
If true, web part content should be displayed in UI element design mode.
Public propertyStatic memberOnSiteEditRelativeURL
Gets or sets the on-site edit relative URL. Access to this URL switch user to the editing mode if is authorized to this mode.
Public propertyStatic memberRenderWebPartIDCssClass
If true, the web part ID CSS class is rendered for web parts.
Public propertyStatic memberSafeMode
If true, safe mode is required (only for new design mode).
Public propertyStatic memberShowOrphanedLayoutWebPartZones
If true, the orphaned web part zones from layout web parts will be shown in design mode.
Public propertyStatic memberShowOrphanedWebPartZones
If true, the orphaned web part zones will be shown in design mode.
See Also