Click or drag to resize
BasicForm Properties

The BasicForm type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdditionalData
Gets a dictionary that provides additional context data for form controls.
Public propertyAllowMacroEditing
Determines whether to display the "Edit value" button in EditingFormControls.
Public propertyAllowModeSwitch
Determines whether to allow mode switching (simple <-> advanced).
Public propertyAllowSpellCheck
Indicates if spell check is allowed. Not allowed by default.
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyAltFormInformation
Alternative form information.
Public propertyAssociatedControls
Controls associated with FormItems.
Public propertyCheckFieldEmptiness
Indicates that field should be checked on emptiness in validation step by BasicForm. Default TRUE. It is preferable to set to FALSE for controls with complex input such as filter form.
Protected propertyClassInfo
DataClassInfo of edited object.
Public propertyCollapseCategoryImageUrl
Image URL for collapsing a category.
Public propertyContextResolver
Form context resolver.
Public propertyControlContext
Gets the current control context.
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyCustomTimeZone
Gets or sets custom time zone info. This time zone is used when TimeZoneType is 'custom'.
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyData
Data to be edited.
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyDataRow
Data to be edited.
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyDefaultCategoryName
Default category name.
Public propertyDefaultFieldLayout
Default field layout.
Public propertyDefaultFormLayout
Form layout.
Protected propertyDefaultValidationErrorMessage
Default validation error message. Shown when ValidationErrorMessage is not set manually.
Public propertyEditedObject
Edited object. TreeNode in CMSForm, IDataClass in BizForm and CustomTableForm, AbstractInfo or DataClassInfo in DataForm.
Public propertyEnabled
Indicates if the form control is enabled.
(Overrides WebControlEnabled.)
Public propertyEnsureFirstLetterUpperCase
If true, labels of the controls are processed to have the first letter upper case.
Public propertyErrorLabel
Label for the errors.
Public propertyExpandCategoryImageUrl
Image URL for expanding a category.
Public propertyExplanationTextCssClass
CSS class that is added to container that is wrapping content after text (only if content before text is empty). Default value is "ExplanationText".
Public propertyFieldCaptionCellCssClass
CSS class for the individual field label cell.
Public propertyFieldCaptionCssClass
CSS class for the individual field label.
Public propertyFieldControls
Dictionary with FormEngineUserControl objects.
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyFieldCssClass
CSS class for the whole field (usually row).
Public propertyFieldEditingControls
Dictionary with EditingFormControl objects.
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyFieldErrorCellCssClass
CSS class for the individual field error label cell.
Public propertyFieldErrorCssClass
CSS class that is added to editing form control after its validation failed. Default value is "Error".
Public propertyFieldErrorLabelCssClass
CSS class for the individual field error label.
Public propertyFieldErrorLabels
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyFieldGroupCaptionCssClass
CSS class for the field group caption.
Public propertyFieldGroupCssClass
CSS class for the whole field group.
Public propertyFieldGroupHeadingIsAnchor
Gets or sets a value indicating whether heading for the field group caption is anchor.
Public propertyFieldGroupHeadingLevel
Heading level for the field group caption.
Public propertyFieldLabels
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyFields
List of field names in order they appear in the form.
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyFieldsToHide
List of fields to hide (empty by default).
Public propertyFieldUpdatePanels
Contains update panels which surround the fields (whole rows including labels) if the form is in design mode (BasicForm.IsDesignMode property).
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyFieldValueCellCssClass
CSS class for the individual field control cell.
Public propertyFirstField
First field element.
Public propertyForceReloadCategories
Forces categories to get to default collapsed state.
Public propertyFormButtonCssClass
CSS class for the form button.
Public propertyFormButtonPanel
Returns panel surrounding submit button if generated by automatic layouts, otherwise returns null.
Public propertyFormButtonPanelCssClass
CSS class for the form button panel.
Public propertyFormCssClass
CSS class which will be used to wrap form control.
Protected propertyFormDefaultStyle
Default form-specific style configuration.
Public propertyFormGUID
Identifies the instance of form.
Public propertyFormInformation
Form information.
(Overrides AbstractBasicFormFormInformation.)
Public propertyFormLayout
Definition of the form layout.
Public propertyFormLayoutType
Form layout type.
Public propertyFormPanel
Returns form outer panel.
Public propertyGroupCssClass
CSS class for the whole field group with heading.
Public propertyHideSystemFields
If true, system fields are hidden.
Public propertyHtmlAreaToolbar
HTML editor toolbar set name.
Public propertyHtmlAreaToolbarLocation
HTML editor toolbar location.
Public propertyInfoLabel
Information label.
Public propertyInitCompleted
If true, the initialization of the control has already completed and won't repeat. Set to true in your initialization code.
(Inherited from CMSDynamicWebControl.)
Protected propertyInitEarly
If true, the control initializes on BeforeInitComplete, otherwise on InitComplete event.
(Inherited from CMSDynamicWebControl.)
Public propertyIsFirstLoad
Indicates if inner controls are loaded for the first time (the form may be initialized on a postback).
Public propertyIsInsertMode
Indicates if the control is used for inserting a new object.
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyIsLiveSite
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from CMSWebControl.)
Public propertyIsSimpleMode
Returns if the form is in simple or advanced mode. Depends on AllowModeSwitch property.
Public propertyLastField
Last field element.
Public propertyLayout
Layout of the form
Public propertyLayoutTemplate
Layout template, if set, the given layout is used.
Public propertyMacroTable
Hashtable with IsMacro flags.
Public propertyMarkRequiredFields
If true, required field labels are marked with resource string.
Public propertyMessagesPlaceHolder
Messages placeholder
Public propertyMode
Gets or sets the mode of the form.
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyParentObject
Parent object. Setup in CMSFrom in insert mode, contains TreeNode.
Public propertyProcessDisabledFields
Indicates if disabled fields should be processed (validated and saved). Default value is true in insert mode and false in edit mode.
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyRedirectUrlAfterSave
URL to which the form redirects after successful save.
Public propertyResolverName
Gets or sets macro resolver name.
Public propertySetDefaultValuesToDisabledFields
If true, default values will be set to the disabled fields. Default value is true in insert mode and false in edit mode.
Public propertyShortID
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from CMSWebControl.)
Public propertyShowImageButton
Show image button flag.
Public propertyShowValidationErrorMessage
Indicates if error message should be displayed after validation failed.
Public propertySiteName
Current SiteName.
Public propertySpellCheckFields
List with client Ids of fields that should be spell checked.
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyStopProcessing
Indicates if processing of the code of this control should continue. It can be used after raising an event.
(Inherited from CMSDynamicWebControl.)
Public propertySubmitButton
Form submit button.
Public propertySubmitImageButton
Form submit image button.
Protected propertyTagKey
Overrides the generation of the SPAN tag with custom tag.
(Overrides WebControlTagKey.)
Public propertyTimeZoneType
Gets or sets time zone type for child controls. Default value is TimeZoneTypeEnum.Inherit.
(Inherited from AbstractBasicForm.)
Public propertyUIContext
Control's UI Context
Public propertyUseColonBehindLabel
If true, colon(:) is placed behind field label.
Public propertyValidationErrorMessage
Optional error message displayed after validation failed.
See Also