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CMS.DataProtection Namespace
Public classConsent
Represents a consent which contains text either from ConsentInfo or ConsentArchiveInfo, depending on which version of the consent's text has been agreed by the contact.
Public classConsentAgreementInfo
Data container class for ConsentAgreementInfo.
Public classConsentAgreementInfoProvider
Class providing ConsentAgreementInfo management.
Public classConsentArchiveInfo
Data container class for ConsentArchiveInfo.
Public classConsentArchiveInfoExtensions
Extension methods for ConsentArchiveInfo.
Public classConsentArchiveInfoProvider
Class providing ConsentArchiveInfo management.
Public classConsentInfo
Data container class for ConsentInfo.
Public classConsentInfoExtensions
Extension methods for ConsentInfo.
Public classConsentInfoProvider
Class providing ConsentInfo management.
Public classConsentText
Represents consent's text.
Public classDataProtectionEvents
Data protection events.
Public classDataProtectionModule
Represents the DataProtection module.
Public classIdentityCollectorRegister
Contains identity collectors.
Public classPersonalDataCollectorRegister
Contains personal data collectors.
Public classPersonalDataCollectorResult
Represents result of the data collecting.
Public classPersonalDataEraserRegister
Contains personal data erasers.
Public classPersonalDataFormat
Defines formats of personal data collectors' result.
Public classPersonalDataHelper
Contains helper methods for personal data processing.
Public classRevokeConsentAgreementEventArgs
Arguments of the event represented by RevokeConsentAgreementHandler.
Public classRevokeConsentAgreementHandler
Event handler for the event fired when a consent agreement has been revoked.
Public interfaceIConsentAgreementInfoProvider
Declares members for ConsentAgreementInfo management.
Public interfaceIConsentAgreementService
Service to manage consent agreements.
Public interfaceIConsentArchiveInfoProvider
Declares members for ConsentArchiveInfo management.
Public interfaceIConsentInfoProvider
Declares members for ConsentInfo management.
Public interfaceIFormConsentAgreementService
Service to agree consent in forms.
Public interfaceIIdentityCollector
Defines contract for collecting identities of a data subject.
Public interfaceIPersonalDataCollector
Defines contract for collecting personal data of a data subject.
Public interfaceIPersonalDataEraser
Defines contract for erasing personal data of a data subject.