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CMS.Base.Routing Namespace
Public classCMSActionResult
Defines an abstract action result.
Public classCMSContentResult
Defines action result that outputs to the body of the response.
Public classCMSDirectActionResult
An CMSActionResult that invokes action specified.
Public classCMSFileContentResult
Represents an CMSActionResult that when executed will write a binary file to the response.
Public classCMSFileResult
Represents an CMSActionResult that when executed will write a file as the response.
Public classCMSForbiddenResult
Defines an HTTP 403 Error Forbidden result.
Public classCMSNotFoundResult
Defines an HTTP 404 Error Not Found result.
Public classCMSNotModifiedResult
Defines an HTTP 304 Not Modified result.
Public classCMSPhysicalFileResult
A CMSActionResult on execution will write a file from disk to the response using mechanisms provided by the host.
Public classCMSRedirectPermanentResult
An CMSActionResult that returns a Moved Permanently (301) response with a Location header to the supplied URL.
Public classCMSRedirectResult
An CMSActionResult that returns a Found (302) response with a Location header to the supplied URL.
Public classCMSRewritePathResult
An CMSActionResult that rewrites the URL by using the specified path.
Public classCMSSeeOtherResult
An CMSActionResult that returns a See Other (303) response with a Location header to the supplied URL.
Public classCMSUnauthorizedResult
Defines an HTTP 401 Error Unauthorized result.
Public classHttpHandlerRouteTable
Stores the URL routes to Kentico HTTP handlers.
Public classRegisterHttpHandlerAttribute
Represents a route to a Kentico HTTP handler using a route template that supports inline constraints.
Public interfaceIActionResultService
Defines the contract to process HTTP Web requests.
Public interfaceICMSEntityTagActionResult
Represents an CMSActionResult that when executed will produce an HTTP response with the specified ETag response header.
Public interfaceICMSStatusCodeActionResult
Represents an CMSActionResult that when executed will produce an HTTP response with the specified StatusCode.