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UserStore Methods

The UserStore type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddLoginAsync(TUser, UserLoginInfo)
Adds external login to user.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodAddLoginAsync(TUser, UserLoginInfo, CancellationToken)
Adds an external UserLoginInfo to the specified user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodAddToRoleAsync(TUser, String)
Adds user to Role.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodAddToRoleAsync(TUser, String, CancellationToken)
Add the specified user to the named role.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodCreateAsync(TUser)
Inserts new user to the database.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodCreateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)
Creates the specified user in the user store.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodDeleteAsync(TUser)
Deletes the user.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodDeleteAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)
Deletes the user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodDispose
Performs tasks to dispose the user store.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Disposes the user store.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodFindAsync
Returns user based on given external login.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodFindByEmailAsync(String)
Returns the user associated with the given email.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodFindByEmailAsync(String, CancellationToken)
Gets the user, if any, associated with the specified, normalized email address.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodFindByIdAsync(Int32)
Finds the user by user's UserId.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodFindByIdAsync(Int32, CancellationToken)
Finds and returns a user, if any, who has the specified userId.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodFindByIdAsync(String, CancellationToken)
Finds and returns a user, if any, who has the specified userId.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodFindByLoginAsync
Retrieves the user associated with the specified login provider and login provider key.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodFindByNameAsync(String)
Finds the user by user's username.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodFindByNameAsync(String, CancellationToken)
Finds and returns a user, if any, who has the specified normalized user name.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetAccessFailedCountAsync
Returns the current number of failed access attempts.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetEmailAsync(TUser)
Gets the user email.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetEmailAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)
Gets the email address for the specified user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser)
Returns true if the user email is confirmed.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)
Gets a flag indicating whether the email address for the specified user has been verified, true if the email address is verified otherwise false.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetLockoutEnabledAsync
Returns whether the user can be locked out.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetLockoutEndDateAsync
Returns the DateTimeOffset that represents the end of the user's lockout, any time in the past should be considered not locked out.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetLoginsAsync(TUser)
Returns all external logins of user.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetLoginsAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)
Retrieves the associated logins for the specified .
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetNormalizedEmailAsync
Returns the normalized email for the specified user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetNormalizedUserNameAsync
Gets the normalized user name for the specified user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetPasswordHashAsync(TUser)
Gets the password hash for the user.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetPasswordHashAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)
Gets the password hash for the specified user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetRolesAsync(TUser)
Returns all role names for the given user.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetRolesAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)
Gets a list of role names the specified user belongs to.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetSecurityStampAsync(TUser)
Returns user's security stamp.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetSecurityStampAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)
Get the security stamp for the specified user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetTwoFactorEnabledAsync
Returns whether two factor authentication is enabled for the user.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetUserIdAsync
Gets the user identifier for the specified user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetUserNameAsync
Gets the user name for the specified user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodGetUsersInRoleAsync
Returns a list of Users who are members of the named role.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodHasPasswordAsync(TUser)
Returns true if the user has the password set.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodHasPasswordAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)
Gets a flag indicating whether the specified user has a password.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodIncrementAccessFailedCountAsync Obsolete.
Used to record when an attempt to access the user has failed.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodIsInRoleAsync(TUser, String)
Checks whether user is in role with given role name.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodIsInRoleAsync(TUser, String, CancellationToken)
Returns a flag indicating whether the specified user is a member of the given named role.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodRemoveFromRoleAsync(TUser, String)
Removes user from Role.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodRemoveFromRoleAsync(TUser, String, CancellationToken)
Remove the specified user from the named role.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodRemoveLoginAsync(TUser, UserLoginInfo)
Removes external login to user.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodRemoveLoginAsync(TUser, String, String, CancellationToken)
Attempts to remove the provided login information from the specified user. and returns a flag indicating whether the removal succeed or not.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodResetAccessFailedCountAsync Obsolete.
Used to reset the access failed count, typically after the account is successfully accessed.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodSetEmailAsync(TUser, String)
Sets the user email.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodSetEmailAsync(TUser, String, CancellationToken)
Sets the email address for a user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodSetEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser, Boolean)
Enables user if her email was confirmed.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodSetEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser, Boolean, CancellationToken)
Sets the flag indicating whether the specified user's email address has been confirmed or not.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodSetLockoutEnabledAsync Obsolete.
Sets whether the user can be locked out.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodSetLockoutEndDateAsync Obsolete.
Locks a user out until the specified end date (set to a past date, to unlock a user).
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodSetNormalizedEmailAsync
Sets the normalized email for the specified user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodSetNormalizedUserNameAsync
Sets the given normalized name for the specified user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodSetPasswordHashAsync(TUser, String)
Sets the password hash for the user.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodSetPasswordHashAsync(TUser, String, CancellationToken)
Sets the password hash for the specified user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodSetSecurityStampAsync(TUser, String)
Sets user's security stamp.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodSetSecurityStampAsync(TUser, String, CancellationToken)
Sets the provided security stamp for the specified user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodSetTwoFactorEnabledAsync Obsolete.
Sets whether two factor authentication is enabled for the user.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodSetUserNameAsync
Sets the given userName for the specified user.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Protected methodThrowIfDisposed
Throws if this class has been disposed.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodUpdateAsync(TUser)
Updates a user.
(Inherited from KenticoUserStoreTUser.)
Public methodUpdateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken)
Updates the specified user in the user store.
(Inherited from ApplicationUserStoreTUser.)
See Also