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SyncManager Methods

The SyncManager type exposes the following members.

Protected methodArchiveDocument
Archives the document.
Protected methodChangeManagerTypeOriginalType
Changes the default manager type to the given type
(Inherited from AbstractManager.)
Public methodChangeManagerTypeTo
Changes the manager type to the given type
(Inherited from AbstractManagerManagerType.)
Protected methodCreateSiteBinding
Creates a site binding. (Site is specified by SyncManager.SiteID property.)
Protected methodDeleteDocument
Deletes the document.
Protected methodDeleteObject
Deletes the object.
Public methodGetDataSet
Returns the dataset loaded from the given task data.
Protected methodGetDataSetInternal
Returns the dataset loaded from the given task data.
Protected methodGetPhysicalFilesDataSet
Gets physical files DataSet.
Public methodGetSynchronizationTaskDataSet
Gets synchronization task empty DataSet for specified task type.
Protected methodGetSynchronizationTaskDataSetInternal
Gets synchronization task empty DataSet for specified task type.
Protected methodMoveDocument
Moves the document.
Public methodProceedWithTranslations
Determines whether to continue with translation operations.
Protected methodProcessACLItems
Break ACL inheritance.
Protected methodProcessChangePageUrlPathSlug
Process change URL slug of page.
Public methodProcessTask(StagingTaskData, Boolean, StagingSynchronizationHandler)
Processes the given task.
Public methodProcessTask(TaskTypeEnum, String, String, String)
Processes the given task.
Public methodProcessTask(TaskTypeEnum, String, String, String, Boolean)
Processes the given task.
Public methodProcessTask(TaskTypeEnum, String, String, String, Boolean, StagingSynchronizationHandler)
Processes the given task.
Protected methodProcessTaskInternal
Processes the given task.
Protected methodPublishDocument
Publishes the document.
Protected methodRejectDocument
Rejects the document.
Protected methodRemoveObjectFromSite(DataSet, String, TranslationHelper)
Removes the object from the site.
Protected methodRemoveObjectFromSite(GeneralizedInfo, DataSet, TranslationHelper)
Removes the object from site.
Protected methodRemoveObjectsFromSite
Removes the objects from site.
Protected methodTranslateNodeColumns
Translates given node columns using data from helper.
Protected methodUpdateACLs
Update node with permissions from DataSet.
Protected methodUpdateAlternativeUrls
Updates the alternative urls during synchronization.
Protected methodUpdateCategories
Updates the categories.
Protected methodUpdateDocument
Updates the document.
Protected methodUpdateObject(DataSet, DataSet, String, TranslationHelper, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Updates the object.
Protected methodUpdateObject(GeneralizedInfo, DataSet, TranslationHelper, Boolean, DataSet, Boolean, ListGeneralizedInfo)
Updates the object.
Protected methodUpdateObjectTInfo(TInfo, DataSet, TranslationHelper, Boolean, DataSet, Boolean, ListGeneralizedInfo)
Updates the object.
Protected methodUpdateObjects
Updates the object.
Protected methodUpdateRelationships
Updates the relationships.
See Also