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DocumentURLProvider Methods

The DocumentURLProvider type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetAbsoluteLiveSiteURL Obsolete.
Gets absolute live site URL.
Public methodStatic memberGetAbsoluteUrl(TreeNode)
Gets absolute URL of given page.
Public methodStatic memberGetAbsoluteUrl(String, SiteInfoIdentifier, String)
Gets absolute URL for the given relative path in context of given site and culture.
Public methodStatic memberGetAbsoluteUrlForCulture
Gets absolute URL of given page in the given culture.
Public methodStatic memberGetPresentationUrl(SiteInfoIdentifier, String)
Gets site presentation URL for given culture (without trailing '/').
Public methodStatic memberGetPresentationUrl(TreeNode, String) Obsolete.
Returns presentation URL for the specified node. This is the absolute URL where live presentation of given node can be found.
Public methodStatic memberGetPresentationUrlHandlerPath Obsolete.
Gets relative URL path to PresentationUrlRedirect handler with parameters based on which the live page URL can be generated when needed.
Public methodStatic memberGetUrl
Gets relative URL for the given page.
Public methodStatic memberGetUrlForCulture
Gets relative URL for the given page in the given culture.
Protected methodGetUrlInternal
Returns relative URL for the given page.
Public methodSetAsDefaultProvider
Sets this object as the default provider
(Inherited from AbstractBaseProviderProviderType.)
Public methodStatic memberTryUnresolveUrl
Tries to unresolve the URL to virtual path by searching for all possible presentation URLs for given site.
See Also