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VirtualContextGetPreviewModePathFromVirtualContext Method
Gets preview mode path based on given path and current initialized context.

Namespace: CMS.Helpers
Assembly: CMS.Helpers (in CMS.Helpers.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public static string GetPreviewModePathFromVirtualContext(
	string path,
	bool readonlyMode = true,
	string cultureCode = null,
	bool embededInAdministration = false


Type: SystemString
Application absolute path to be converted.
readonlyMode (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
Indicates if readonly mode should be enabled to disallow modify actions and POST requests.
cultureCode (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Defines a culture code for resulting preview path. If not provided, culture code from current initialized context is used.
embededInAdministration (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
Indicates if page is embedded in administration inside an iframe.

Return Value

Type: String
See Also