EventLogProviderLogEvent Method (String, String, String, String, String, Int32, String, Int32, String, String, Int32, String, String, String, NullableDateTime, LoggingPolicy) |
Note: This API is now obsolete.
This method is obsolete and will be removed in future version. Use LogEvent(EventLogData) or LogEvent(IEventLogService, EventTypeEnum, String, String, String) instead.
Namespace: CMS.EventLog
[ObsoleteAttribute("Use 'CMS.Core.Service.Resolve<CMS.Core.IEventLogService>().LogEvent(CMS.EventLog.EventType.ToEventTypeEnum(eventType), source, eventCode, eventDescription)' or 'CMS.Core.Service.Resolve<CMS.Core.IEventLogService>().LogEvent(new CMS.Core.EventLogData(CMS.EventLog.EventType.ToEventTypeEnum(eventType), source, eventCode) { ... })' code instead.")] public static EventLogInfo LogEvent( string eventType, string source, string eventCode, string eventDescription = null, string eventUrl = null, int userId = 0, string userName = null, int nodeId = 0, string documentName = null, string ipAddress = null, int siteId = 0, string machineName = null, string urlReferrer = null, string userAgent = null, Nullable<DateTime> eventTime = null, LoggingPolicy loggingPolicy = null )