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FileSystemRepositoryHelperGetFileSystemNameInternal Method
Gets file system safe representation of name. The resulting name does not exceed maxNameLength characters in length. maxNameLength must accommodate hashLength and delimiting character.

Namespace: CMS.ContinuousIntegration
Assembly: CMS.ContinuousIntegration (in CMS.ContinuousIntegration.dll) Version: 13.0.131
protected virtual string GetFileSystemNameInternal(
	string name,
	string fullName,
	int maxNameLength,
	int hashLength


Type: SystemString
Name to be transformed to file system safe representation.
Type: SystemString
Full name for given name. The full name is used for the purpose of hash computation. Null means the full name is the same as name.
Type: SystemInt32
Max length of the resulting name.
Type: SystemInt32
Number of hash characters to be included in the resulting name, if hashing is needed.

Return Value

Type: String
Name in file system safe representation.
ArgumentExceptionThrown when name is null or empty or fullName is empty.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionThrown when hashLength is not a positive integer or maxNameLengthis not greater than (hash length + 1) - the extra character is for hash delimiter.

The name processing is similar to code name processing. Diacritics in Latin characters is removed, illegal characters are replaced by '_' (underscore), multiple '.' (dot) are grouped to single '.', leading and trailing '.' and '_' are trimmed.

Specify the fullName parameter to avoid file system name collisions when name is some shortcut or human-readable form of fullName.

The following code creates 2 file system names, which differ in their hash only
string articleFileSystemName1 = FileSystemRepositoryHelper.GetFileSystemName("Article", "/Path/To/Some/Document/Named/Article", 50, 10);
string articleFileSystemName2 = FileSystemRepositoryHelper.GetFileSystemName("Article", "/Path/To/Different/Document/Named/Article", 50, 10);

// Produces result similar to:
//   article@1234567890
//   article@0987654321
The following code shows how to create a human-readable file name from a name, which would otherwise result in hash only (due to special characters processing)
string defaultFileSystemName = FileSystemRepositoryHelper.GetFileSystemName("/", 50, 10);
string customFileSystemName = FileSystemRepositoryHelper.GetFileSystemName("root", "/", 50, 10);

// Produces result similar to:
//   @1234567890
//   root@1234567890
The following code demonstrates the difference between providing a name and full name pair for obtaining a human-readable name and why the same can not be achieved with name only. Let's assume we have an object representing a root of a tree (named "/") and we want a human-readable file system name to store such object
string customFileSystemName = FileSystemRepositoryHelper.GetFileSystemName("root", "/", 50, 10);
string wrongCustomFileSystemName = FileSystemRepositoryHelper.GetFileSystemName("root", 50, 10); // This is wrong. If another object named "root" would exist, its name would collide with the custom name for "/"

// Produces result similar to:
//   root@1234567890           The hash value is computed from "/"
//   root
See Also