UserStore Class |
Namespace: Kentico.Membership
public class UserStore : IUserPasswordStore<User, int>, IUserStore<User, int>, IDisposable, IUserLockoutStore<User, int>, IUserTwoFactorStore<User, int>, IUserRoleStore<User, int>, IUserEmailStore<User, int>, IUserLoginStore<User, int>, IUserSecurityStampStore<User, int>
The UserStore type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddLoginAsync |
Adds external login to user.
| |
AddToRoleAsync | ||
CreateAsync |
Inserts new user to the database.
| |
DeleteAsync |
Deletes the user.
| |
Dispose |
Performs tasks to dispose the user store.
| |
Dispose(Boolean) |
Disposes the user store.
| |
FindAsync |
Returns user based on given external login.
| |
FindByEmailAsync |
Returns the user associated with the given email.
| |
FindByIdAsync |
Finds the user by user's ID.
| |
FindByNameAsync |
Finds the user by user's username.
| |
GetAccessFailedCountAsync |
Returns the current number of failed access attempts.
| |
GetEmailAsync |
Gets the user email.
| |
GetEmailConfirmedAsync |
Returns true if the user email is confirmed.
| |
GetLockoutEnabledAsync |
Returns whether the user can be locked out.
| |
GetLockoutEndDateAsync |
Returns the DateTimeOffset that represents the end of the user's lockout, any time
in the past should be considered not locked out.
| |
GetLoginsAsync |
Returns all external logins of user.
| |
GetPasswordHashAsync |
Gets the password hash for the user.
| |
GetRolesAsync |
Returns all role names for the given user.
| |
GetSecurityStampAsync |
Returns user's security stamp.
| |
GetTwoFactorEnabledAsync |
Returns whether two factor authentication is enabled for the user.
| |
HasPasswordAsync |
Returns true if the user has the password set.
| |
IncrementAccessFailedCountAsync |
Used to record when an attempt to access the user has failed.
| |
IsInRoleAsync |
Checks whether user is in role with given role name.
| |
RemoveFromRoleAsync | ||
RemoveLoginAsync |
Removes external login to user.
| |
ResetAccessFailedCountAsync |
Used to reset the access failed count, typically after the account is successfully accessed.
| |
SetEmailAsync |
Sets the user email.
| |
SetEmailConfirmedAsync |
Enables user if her email was confirmed.
| |
SetLockoutEnabledAsync |
Sets whether the user can be locked out.
| |
SetLockoutEndDateAsync |
Locks a user out until the specified end date (set to a past date, to unlock a user).
| |
SetPasswordHashAsync |
Sets the password hash for the user.
| |
SetSecurityStampAsync |
Sets user's security stamp.
| |
SetTwoFactorEnabledAsync |
Sets whether two factor authentication is enabled for the user.
| |
UpdateAsync |
Updates a user.