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IMacroResolver Interface
Interface for resolver objects.

Namespace: CMS.MacroEngine
Assembly: CMS.MacroEngine (in CMS.MacroEngine.dll) Version: 12.0.0
public interface IMacroResolver

The IMacroResolver type exposes the following members.

Public methodCheckDataSources
Checks all the data sources for the value. Returns true if given data member was found within supported data sources.
Public methodGetObjectValue(Object, Int32, EvaluationContext)
Gets the object value at given index (this is called when indexer [(int)] is used in the expression).
Public methodGetObjectValue(Object, String, EvaluationContext)
Gets the object value of specified name.
Public methodResolveMacroExpression
Resolves the data macro expression (expects expression without {% %} brackets).
Public methodResolveMacros
Resolves all supported macro types in the given text within specified resolving context.
See Also