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EcommerceTransformationFunctions Class
Summary description for Functions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Ecommerce.Web.UI
Assembly: CMS.Ecommerce.Web.UI (in CMS.Ecommerce.Web.UI.dll) Version: 12.0.0
public class EcommerceTransformationFunctions

The EcommerceTransformationFunctions type exposes the following members.

Public methodEcommerceTransformationFunctions
Public methodStatic memberGetAddToShoppingCartLink(Object)
Returns link to "add to shopping cart".
Public methodStatic memberGetAddToShoppingCartLink(Object, Object)
Returns link to "add to shopping cart".
Public methodStatic memberGetAddToShoppingCartLink(Object, Object, String)
Returns link to "add to shopping cart".
Public methodStatic memberGetAddToWishListLink(Object)
Returns link to add specified product to the user's wish list.
Public methodStatic memberGetAddToWishListLink(Object, String)
Returns link to add specified product to the user's wish list.
Public methodStatic memberGetDepartment
Gets object from the specified column of the department with specific ID.
Public methodStatic memberGetDiscountCouponCodeRemoveButton
Returns button usable for removing shopping cart coupon code.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentName
Gets document name of specified node id.
Public methodStatic memberGetEproductUrl
Returns e-product download URL.
Public methodStatic memberGetFormattedWeight
Returns formatted weight, based on mass unit format configuration.
Public methodStatic memberGetGtmProductJson(Int32, Object, String)
Generates Google Tag Manager product object in JSON format for SKUInfo identified by skuId.
Public methodStatic memberGetGtmProductJson(SKUInfo, Object, String)
Generates Google Tag Manager product object in JSON format for given sku.
Public methodStatic memberGetInternalStatus
Gets object from the specified column of the internal status with specific ID.
Public methodStatic memberGetManufacturer
Gets object from the specified column of the manufacturer with specific ID.
Public methodStatic memberGetProductUrl(Object)
Returns product URL.
Public methodStatic memberGetProductUrl(Object, Object, Object)
Returns user friendly URL of the specified SKU and site name. Does not uses hash tables to create URL.
Public methodStatic memberGetProductUrlByID
Returns user friendly URL of the specified SKU and site name. Uses hash tables to create URL.
Public methodStatic memberGetProductUrlForFeed
Returns URL of the specified product with feed parameter.
Public methodStatic memberGetPublicStatus
Gets object from the specified column of the public status with specific ID.
Public methodStatic memberGetRemoveFromWishListLink
Returns link to remove specified product from the user's wish list.
Public methodStatic memberGetSKUImageUrl
Returns SKU image URL including dimension's modifiers (width, height or maxsidesize) and site name parameter if product is from different site than current. If image URL is not specified, SKU default image URL is used.
Public methodStatic memberGetSKUIndicatorProperty
Returns value of the specified product public status column. If the product is evaluated as a new product in the store, public status set by 'CMSStoreNewProductStatus' setting is used, otherwise product public status is used.
Public methodStatic memberGetSKUListPrice
Returns an SKU list price based on the SKU data and the data of the current shopping cart.
Public methodStatic memberGetSKUNode
Gets the SKU node. If there are multiple nodes for this SKU the first occurrence is returned.
Public methodStatic memberGetSKUNodeAlias
Gets the SKU node alias. If there are multiple nodes for this SKU the first occurrence is returned. If there is not a single one node for this SKU, empty string is returned.
Public methodStatic memberGetSKUOriginalPrice
Returns SKURetailPrice or price before discounts if saving is bigger. Returns zero if price saving is zero.
Public methodStatic memberGetSKUPrice
Returns an SKU catalog price based on the sku data and the data of the current shopping cart. Taxes are included based on the site settings.
Public methodStatic memberGetSKUPriceSaving
Returns amount of saved money based on the difference between product seller price and product retail price or price before discount.
Public methodStatic memberGetSKUTax
Returns tax for given product.
Public methodStatic memberGetSupplier
Gets object from the specified column of the supplier with specific ID.
Public methodStatic memberMarkEnabledAndDisabledItems
Sets different css styles to enabled and disabled dropdownlist items.
Public methodStatic memberShoppingCartURL
Returns URL to the shopping cart.
Public methodStatic memberWishlistURL
Returns URL to the wish list.
See Also