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ChatSettingsProvider Class
Provides values for chat settings.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Chat
Assembly: CMS.Chat (in CMS.Chat.dll) Version: 12.0.0
public static class ChatSettingsProvider

The ChatSettingsProvider type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAreAnonymsAllowedGloballySetting
Gets true, if anonymous users are allowed in chat.
Public propertyStatic memberChangeNicknameFloodProtectionIntervalSetting
Change nickname flooding protection interval. In seconds.
Public propertyStatic memberChatAdministrationPopupWindowUrl
Gets address of support chat popup window opened from Desk.
Public propertyStatic memberChatRoomPopupWindowUrl
Returns chat room window url from global chat settings
Public propertyStatic memberCreateRoomFloodProtectionIntervalSetting
Create room flooding protection interval. In seconds.
Public propertyStatic memberDaysNeededToDeleteRecordsSetting
Days needed to delete old chat records.
Public propertyStatic memberEnableBBCodeSetting
Enabled BB Code globally setting.
Public propertyStatic memberEnableSmileys
Enabled smileys globally setting.
Public propertyStatic memberEnableSoundLiveChat
Enabled sound in live chat setting.
Public propertyStatic memberEnableSoundSupportChat
Enabled sound in support chat setting.
Public propertyStatic memberFirstLoadMessagesCountSetting
Count of messages loaded on first load.
Public propertyStatic memberForceAnonymUniqueNicknamesSetting
If false, anonymou are allowed to have duplicate nicknames. If true, all nicknames must be uniques.
Public propertyStatic memberGlobalPingIntervalSetting
Global ping (method Ping() on service) interval.
Public propertyStatic memberGuestPrefixSetting
Gets prefix of guest user. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberIsFloodingProtectionEnabledSetting
Gets true if flooding protection is enabled.
Public propertyStatic memberIsSupportEnabledSetting
Gets true if support chat is enabled.
Public propertyStatic memberIsSupportMailEnabledAndValid
Gets true if sending support requests to mail is enabled and addresses (from and to) are valid emails. Only length of those addresses are checked because validity is handled by Settings validation regex in Site manager.
Public propertyStatic memberJoinRoomFloodProtectionIntervalSetting
Join room flooding protection interval. In seconds.
Public propertyStatic memberKickLastingIntervalSetting
Kick lasting interval.
Public propertyStatic memberMaximumMessageLengthSetting
Kick lasting interval.
Public propertyStatic memberPostMessageFloodProtectionIntervalSetting
Post message flooding protection interval. In seconds.
Public propertyStatic memberRedirectURLJoinSetting
Gets redirect URL after join room. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberRedirectURLLeaveSetting
Gets redirect URL after leave room. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberRedirectURLLoginSetting
Gets redirect URL after login chat. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberRedirectURLLogoutSetting
Gets redirect URL after logout chat. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberResolveURLEnabled
Enabled URL resolving in messages setting.
Public propertyStatic memberRoomPingIntervalSetting
Room ping interval.
Public propertyStatic memberSupportLogoutTimeoutSetting
Gets timeout needed to automatically logout user from support chat. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberSupportMailDialogURL
Gets address of offline support form. This is a form which is used to send support requests to mail.
Public propertyStatic memberSupportMessageSendToSetting
Gets the email address where support messages are sent to.
Public propertyStatic memberSupportRoomReleaseTimeoutSetting
Gets number of seconds needed to realease room taken by support engineer. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberTransformationErrors
Gets default errors transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberTransformationErrorsDeleteAll
Gets default errors delete all transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberTransformationInitiatedChat
Gets default initiated chat transformation. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberTransformationNotifications
Gets default notification transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberTransformationOnlineUsers
Gets default online users transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberTransformationRoomMessages
Gets default messages transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberTransformationRoomName
Gets default room name transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberTransformationRooms
Gets default rooms transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberTransformationRoomUsers
Gets default room users transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberTransformationSupportRequest
Gets default support request transformation. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberUserLogoutTimeoutSetting
Gets timeout needed to automatically logout chat user. Value is taken from settings.
Public propertyStatic memberWPGroupPagesBy
Number of pages in one group default setting.
Public propertyStatic memberWPInviteModePagingItems
Items per page limit for webparts in invite mode.
Public propertyStatic memberWPInviteModeSearchMode
Items per page limit for webparts in invite mode.
Public propertyStatic memberWPPagingItems
Items per page default setting.
Public propertyStatic memberWPSearchModeMaxUsers
Search mode - response max users default limit.
Public propertyStatic memberWPShowFilterLimit
Show filter limit default setting.
See Also