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ChatServiceBase Class
Base class of all chat web services.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Chat
Assembly: CMS.Chat (in CMS.Chat.dll) Version: 12.0.0
public class ChatServiceBase

The ChatServiceBase type exposes the following members.

Public methodChatServiceBase
Protected propertyCurrentChatUserState
Gets ChatUserState of currently logged in chat user.
Protected propertyIsIPBanned
Gets true if current user's IP address is banned and he can not do anything on the chat.
Protected propertySites
Shortcut to ChatGlobalData.Instance.Sites (contains cached chat objects (rooms, etc.)).
Protected methodGetChatResponse(ChatResponseStatusEnum)
Builds general chat response with error set to statusCode and message set to default value associated with statusCode.
Protected methodGetChatResponse(ChatResponseStatusEnum, String)
Builds general chat response with error set to statusCode and message set to statusMessage.
Protected methodGetChatResponseTData(ChatResponseStatusEnum)
Builds chat response with code set to statusCode, message set to default value associated with statusCode and data set to default(TData).
Protected methodGetChatResponseTData(ChatResponseStatusEnum, String)
Builds chat response with code set to statusCode, message set to statusMessage and data set to default(TData).
Protected methodGetChatResponseTData(ChatResponseStatusEnum, String, TData)
Builds generic ChatGeneral response with properties set to passed params.
Protected methodGetOkChatResponse
Builds general chat response with OK code.
Protected methodGetOkChatResponseTData(TData)
Builds general chat response with OK code and Data set to data.
Protected methodVerifyChatUserHasAdminRoomRights
Verifies that currently logged in chat user has admin rights for a room. Throws exception in case of failure and does nothing in case of success.
Protected methodVerifyChatUserHasAllPermissions
Verifies that currently logged in chat user has all of the passed permissions. Throws exception in case of failure and does nothing in case of success.
Protected methodVerifyChatUserHasAnyPermission
Verifies that currently logged in chat user has at least one of the passed permissions. Throws exception in case of failure and does nothing in case of success.
Protected methodVerifyChatUserHasPermission
Verifies that currently logged in chat user has specified permission. Throws exception in case of failure and does nothing in case of success.
Protected methodVerifyChatUserIsLoggedIn
Verifies that chat user is logged in. Throws exception in case of failure and does nothing in case of success.
Protected methodVerifyChatUserIsOnlineInARoom
Verifies that currently logged in chat user is online in a room. Throws exception in case of failure and does nothing in case of success.
Protected methodVerifyIPIsNotBanned
Verifies that IP addres which was used to make this request is not banned. Throws exception in case of failure and does nothing in case of success.
See Also