ChatRoomUserInfoProvider Class |
Namespace: CMS.Chat
public class ChatRoomUserInfoProvider : AbstractInfoProvider<ChatRoomUserInfo, ChatRoomUserInfoProvider>
The ChatRoomUserInfoProvider type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ChatRoomUserInfoProvider |
Name | Description | |
infos |
Info tables.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) |
Name | Description | |
DataSource |
Data source for the provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
HashtableSettings |
Gets hashtable settings
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
InfoObject |
Info object instance the provider is working with.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
IsValid |
Indicates if the provider instance is up-to-date and can be used to manage object instances.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
TypeInfo |
Object type information.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) |
Name | Description | |
BeginTransaction |
Creates a new transaction over this provider.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
BulkDelete |
Bulk deletes info objects based on the given condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
BulkInsertInfos(IEnumerableBaseInfo) |
Bulk inserts the given list of info objects
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
BulkInsertInfos(IEnumerableTInfo, BulkInsertSettings) |
Bulk inserts the given list of info objects.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
CheckUniqueCodeName |
Checks if the object has unique code name. Returns true if the object has unique code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
CheckUniqueValues |
Checks if a record with the same column values already exists in the database. Returns true if the set of values is unique.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
CleanOnlineUsersInRooms |
Removes inactive users from all rooms.
| |
ClearHashtables |
Clears the object's hashtables.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
CreateDefaultBulkInsertSettings |
Creates bulk insert settings. By default CheckConstraints
and TableLock flags are set.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
CreateInfo |
Creates a new info object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
CreateWebFarmTask(String, String) |
Creates web farm task specific for current object and action name
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
CreateWebFarmTask(String, String, Byte, String) |
Creates web farm task specific for current object and action name
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
DeleteChatRoomUser(Int32) |
Deletes chat room user with specified ID.
| |
DeleteChatRoomUser(ChatRoomUserInfo) |
Deletes specified chat room user.
| |
DeleteInfo |
Deletes the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
DeleteObjectFromHashtables |
Deletes the object instance from the hashtables.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetAdminStates |
Gets admin states in rooms for one user. All rooms where this user was ever present are returned.
| |
GetAllOnlineUsersInRoom |
Gets users in a room who are online right now.
| |
GetAnonymousChatRoomUsersByRoomID |
Gets anonymous chat room users in room.
| |
GetChatRoomUser(Int32) |
Returns chat room user with specified ID.
| |
GetChatRoomUser(Int32, Int32) |
Gets chat room user.
| |
GetChatRoomUsers |
Returns the query for all chat room users.
| |
GetChatRoomUsersByRoomID |
Gets all chat room users by roomID.
| |
GetDeleteQuery |
Gets the object query that deletes all items matching the query parameters
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByCodeName(String, Boolean) |
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32, Boolean) |
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) |
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32, Int32, Boolean) |
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByFullName |
Gets an instance of info object based on the given full name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByGuid(Guid, Boolean) |
Gets an instance of info object based on the given GUID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByGuid(Guid, Int32, Boolean) |
Gets an instance of info object based on the GUID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoById |
Gets an instance of info object based on ID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfosByIds |
Gets the list of info objects by their IDs.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetKickedUsers |
Gets kicked users in one room.
| |
GetObjectQuery |
Gets the object query for the provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetObjectQueryInternal |
Gets the object query for the provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.) | |
GetOnlineUsersCounts |
Gets counts of users in rooms for all rooms in this site.
| |
GetRoomOnlineUsers |
Gets online users in a room.
| |
GetRoomsWhereChatUserIsOnline |
Gets rooms where specified chat user is online now.
| |
GetSecondChatUserIDInOneToOneRoom |
Gets chat user who is present in room with roomID.
User with ID in currentChatUserID is omited.
This method should be used only for one to one rooms.
| |
IncreaseChatAdminLevel |
Increases admin level of specified user in specified room to specified level.
This means that admin level is changed only if current level of this user is lower than new one.
| |
Init |
Initializes the provider with the given type info and hashtable settings
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
InitHashtableSettings | (Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
InitTypeInfoAndRegister |
Initializes the provider variables.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
Invalidate |
Sets this provider as invalid
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
JoinRoom |
Joins user to room. Sets his JoinTime to now, LeaveTime to null, etc.
This method checks automatically password. It takes into account actual 'join state' of this user -> if user is already joined, he does not have to provide correct password.
'Enabled state' of this room is also checked.
| |
KickPermanentlyFromRoom |
Kicks permanently from room (removes access rights)
| |
KickUser |
Updates KickExpiration in table ChatRoomUser of chat user with chatUserID
in room with chatRoomID.
| |
LeaveRoom |
User leaves room. Sets his JoinTime to null, LeaveTime to now, LastModification to now. Etc.
This method also inserts system message about leaving to this room.
| |
LoadAllInfos |
Loads all infos to the hashtable
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
LoadInfos |
Loads all objects from the database to memory.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
ProcessWebFarmTask |
Runs the processing of specific web farm task for current provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
ProcessWebFarmTaskInternal |
Runs the processing of specific web farm task for current provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
RegisterObjectInHashtables |
Registers the object instance within the hashtables.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
RemoveOriginalCodeNameFromHashtable |
Removes the original object code name from the hashtable
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
SetAsDefaultProvider |
Sets this provider instance as the default provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
SetChatAdminLevel |
Sets admin level of specified user in specified room to specified level.
| |
SetChatRoomUser |
Sets (updates or inserts) specified chat room user.
| |
SetInfo |
Inserts or Updates the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
UpdateData(String, QueryDataParameters, String) |
Updates the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
UpdateData(IWhereCondition, IEnumerableKeyValuePairString, Object, Boolean) |
Updates the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
UpdateLastChecking |
Updates LastChecking (LastPing) in table ChatRoomUser of chat user with chatUserID
in room with chatRoomID to GETDATE() (sql server time).
| |
UpdateObjectInHashtables |
Updates the object instance in the hashtables. Update is different than RegisterObjectInHashtables(TInfo), because it logs task about changing object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
ValidateCodeName |
Validates the object code name. Returns true if the code name is valid.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) |