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XMLPage Properties

The XMLPage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAfterFormPlaceHolder
Gets placeholder located after form element.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyContextMenuContainer
Container control for the context menus.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyCultureCode
Gets culture code of current document initialized from query string.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyCurrentUseXUACompatible
If true, X-UA-Compatible header will be added to the page.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyDocumentID
Gets document ID of current document initialized from query string.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyDocumentManager
Document manager control.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Protected propertyEnableContextHelp
Tells you whether context help script generation into page is enabled.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Protected propertyEnsureDocumentManager
Indicates if document manager should be ensured
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyEnsurePreferredCulture
Indicates if content preferred culture should be ensured.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyFooterContainer
Container control for the page footers.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyHeaderActions
Local header actions
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyIsCMSDesk
Determines whether the current page is located under the CMS Desk.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyIsDialog
Indicates whether page is a dialog. False by default.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyIsRootDialog
Indicates whether page is root dialog (top dialog page with header and footer)
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Protected propertyIsStandardPage
If true, the page is a UI page
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyLogsContainer
Container control for the log controls.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyManagersContainer
Container control for the page managers.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyMessagesPlaceHolder
Local page messages placeholder
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyNodeID
Gets node ID of current document initialized from query string.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Protected propertyRegisterGlobalHotKeyScript
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether global hotkey script should be registered
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyScriptManagerControl
Script manager control.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyTabMode
Indicates if the page is in tab mode.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyTree
Tree provider object.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyUIContext
Page's UI context
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
Public propertyUseViewStateUserKey
If true, ViewStateUserKey is used.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.)
See Also