CMS.WebAnalytics Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AnalyticsContext |
Analytics context.
| |
AnalyticsDebug |
Analytics debug methods
| |
AnalyticsHelper |
Analytics helper class.
| |
AnalyticsJSEventArgs |
Arguments for event handlers related to logging analytics via JS.
| |
AnalyticsLogHandler |
Handler for logging browser capabilities analytics retrieved by javasript.
| |
AnalyticsMethods |
Methods for web analytics requiring the CMS context
| |
CalculateCampaignConversionReportTask |
Calculates the campaign conversion and campaign visitors statistics.
| |
CampaignAssetInfo |
CampaignAssetInfo data container class.
| |
CampaignAssetInfoProvider |
Class providing CampaignAssetInfo management.
| |
CampaignAssetModelService |
Service that provides method to work with the CampaignAssetViewModel objects.
| |
CampaignAssetUrlInfo |
CampaignAssetUrlInfo data container class.
| |
CampaignAssetUrlInfoHelper |
Class providing helper methods for CampaignAssetUrlInfo.
| |
CampaignAssetUrlInfoProvider |
Class providing CampaignAssetUrlInfo management.
| |
CampaignAssetViewModel |
View model for campaign assets.
| |
CampaignConversionHitsInfo |
CampaignConversionHitsInfo data container class.
| |
CampaignConversionHitsInfoProvider |
Class providing CampaignConversionHitsInfo management.
| |
CampaignConversionInfo |
CampaignConversionInfo data container class.
| |
CampaignConversionInfoProvider |
Class providing CampaignConversionInfo management.
| |
CampaignInfo |
CampaignInfo data container class.
| |
CampaignInfoProvider |
Class providing CampaignInfo management.
| |
CampaignLaunchedHandler |
Handler for campaign being launched.
| |
CampaignObjectiveInfo |
CampaignObjectiveInfo data container class.
| |
CampaignObjectiveInfoProvider |
Class providing CampaignObjectiveInfo management.
| |
CampaignObjectiveStatistics |
Represents information about the campaign objective - especially objective's actual and target values.
| |
CampaignService |
Provides access to the campaign related to the current request via the implementation of ICampaignPersistentStorage.
| |
CampaignUTMChangedData |
Arguments for event handlers related to CampaignUTMChangedHandler.
| |
CampaignUTMChangedHandler |
Fires when there is a change in campaigns UTM parameter.
| |
CheckAnalyticsConsentEventArgs |
Event arguments for handler CheckAnalyticsConsentHandler.
| |
CheckAnalyticsConsentHandler |
Handler for retrieving the consent status during logging web analytics data.
| |
ConversionInfo |
ConversionInfo data container class.
| |
ConversionInfoProvider |
Class providing ConversionInfo management.
| |
DateTimePickerSettingsProvider |
Provides dictionary containing all culture dependent settings needed for initialization of cmsdatepicker javascript component.
| |
ExitPageInfo |
ExitPageInfo data container class.
| |
ExitPageInfoProvider |
Class providing ExitPageInfo management.
| |
ExternalSearchData |
Provides information about search engine associated with current request.
| |
GenerateStatisticsEventArgs |
Arguments for event handlers related to generating sample statistics data.
| |
GenerateStatisticsHandler |
Handler for generating sample web analytics statistics.
| |
GeoIPHelper |
Provides IP address to GEO location conversion.
| |
GeoLocation |
Class representing location of specific IP.
| |
HitLogProcessor |
HitLogProcessor class.
| |
HitLogProvider |
HitLogProvider class.
| |
HitsDayInfo |
HitsDayInfo data container class.
| |
HitsDayInfoProvider |
Class providing HitsDayInfo management.
| |
HitsHourInfo |
HitsHourInfo data container class.
| |
HitsHourInfoProvider |
Class providing HitsHourInfo management.
| |
HitsInfo |
HitsInfo data container class.
| |
HitsInfoProvider |
Class providing HitsInfo management.
| |
HitsIntervalEnumFunctions |
Class to provider safe conversion.
| |
HitsMonthInfo |
HitsMonthInfo data container class.
| |
HitsMonthInfoProvider |
Class providing HitsMonthInfo management.
| |
HitsWeekInfo |
HitsWeekInfo data container class.
| |
HitsWeekInfoProvider |
Class providing HitsWeekInfo management.
| |
HitsYearInfo |
HitsYearInfo data container class.
| |
HitsYearInfoProvider |
Class providing HitsYearInfo management.
| |
InsertAnalyticsJSHandler |
Handler for inserting web analytics javascript snippet to the page.
| |
LogConversionHandler |
Handler for the conversion logging.
| |
LogHitParameters |
Data class containing all fields required for asynchronous hit logging.
| |
LogRecord |
Representation of the one record (one row) from the analytics log file.
| |
LogSearchHitParameters |
Data class containing all fields required for asynchronous search hit logging.
| |
MembershipType |
Membership type constants
| |
PagesActivityLogger |
Provides methods for logging pages activities.
| |
ProcessAnalyticsServiceHandler |
Handler for the inserting javascript logging snippet to the page.
| |
ProcessLogRecordHandler |
Handler for the log processing.
| |
RemoveAnalyticsData |
RemoveAnalyticsData class.
| |
SearchEngineAnalyzer |
Analyzes whether URLs come from some of the defined search engines and gets the search keywords from them.
Use it on referrer URL to get where the visitor came from.
| |
SearchEngineCrawlerAnalyzer |
Compares user-agent with ones that use crawlers from defined search engines.
| |
SearchEngineInfo |
SearchEngineInfo data container class.
| |
SearchEngineInfoProvider |
Class providing SearchEngineInfo management.
| |
StatisticsInfo |
StatisticsInfo data container class.
| |
StatisticsInfoProvider |
Class providing StatisticsInfo management.
| |
TrackedCampaignsService |
Provides access to the tracked campaigns.
| |
UserNameFormatter |
Translates UserInfo to human readable format.
| |
UserPage |
Class providing information about last visited page.
| |
VisitorMethods |
Visitor methods - wrapping methods for macro resolver.
| |
VisitorNamespace |
Wrapper class to provide Visitor namespace in the MacroEngine.
| |
VisitorStatusCode |
Visitor status code.
| |
WebAnalyticsEvents |
Web analytics events.
| |
WebAnalyticsFunctions |
Web analytics marketing functions.
| |
WebAnalyticsHandlers |
Web analytics events handlers
| |
WebAnalyticsModule |
Represents the Web Analytics module.
| |
WebAnalyticsModuleMetadata |
Represents the Web Analytics module metadata.
| |
WebAnalyticsResolvers |
Resolvers used in e-mail templates and other macro visual components.
| |
WebAnalyticsWebUIModuleMetadata |
Represents the Web Analytics Web UI module metadata.
Interface | Description | |
IActivityUrlPreprocessor |
Prepares an activity URL for further processing.
| |
IAnalyticsConsentProvider |
Contains methods for retrieving existing consents for logging analytics data.
| |
ICampaignAssetModelService |
Service that provides method to work with the CampaignAssetViewModel objects.
| |
ICampaignAssetModelStrategy |
Interface that provides service methods to work with the CampaignAssetViewModel objects.
| |
ICampaignAssetsPublisher |
Publishes assets added to the campaign.
| |
ICampaignConversionHitsAggregator |
Aggregates the number of campaign conversion hits from different sources into one number stored in CampaignConversionHits property.
| |
ICampaignConversionHitsService |
Provides access to the campaign report source data.
| |
ICampaignPersistentStorage |
Provides access to storing and retrieving campaign code, campaign source name and campaign content from/to persistent storage.
Persistent storage is a place where campaign code and source name can be stored and after the same visitor
makes another request, it will be returned.
| |
ICampaignScheduleService |
Provides methods for campaign scheduling.
| |
ICampaignService |
Provides access to the campaign related to the current request via the implementation of ICampaignPersistentStorage.
| |
ICampaignValidationService |
Provides methods to validate campaign.
| |
IDateTimePickerSettingsProvider |
Provides dictionary containing all culture dependent settings needed for initialization of cmsdatepicker javascript component.
| |
IPagesActivityLogger |
Provides possibility to log pages activities.
| |
ITrackedCampaignsService |
Provides access to the tracked campaigns.
| |
IWebAnalyticsServiceScriptsGenerator |
Service for generating JavaScript code which is able to call the external web service via AJAX. Before using the generated JS snippet, you need
to manually create global WebServiceCall(url, method, parameters) JavaScript function either by calling ScriptHelper.RegisterWebServiceCallFunction(page) or
Enumeration | Description | |
CampaignStatusEnum |
Represents the current status of a campaign.
| |
HitsIntervalEnum |
Hits interval type enumeration.
| |
LogExcludingFlags |
Log excluding flags. Indicates which check actions should be skipped
| |
VisitorStatusEnum |
Visitor status.