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CMS.Base Namespace
Public classAbstractActionContextTContext
Base class for action context
Public classAbstractAdvancedHandler
Base class for advanced handler classes
Public classAbstractBaseProviderProviderType
Abstract class for providers.
Public classAbstractContextTContext
Base context object class.
Public classAbstractDataContainerParentObjectType
Abstract class for data container objects
Public classAbstractHandler
Base class for handler classes
Public classAbstractHelper
Abstract helper.
Public classAbstractHelperHelperType
Abstract helper.
Public classAbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject
Abstract class for the hierarchical objects
Public classAbstractManager
Abstract manager
Public classAbstractManagerManagerType
Abstract manager
Public classAbstractObject
Abstract class for the data container with no functionality
Public classAbstractPropertyAttribute
Defines a column registered within the object
Public classAbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject
Abstract class for the data container with no functionality
Public classAbstractWorker
Abstract class for the thread worker.
Public classActionCancelledException
Exception thrown in case the action was cancelled
Public classAdvancedHandler
General CMS handler
Public classAdvancedHandlerTParameter
General CMS handler with one generic parameter
Public classAdvancedHandlerTHandler, TArgs
Generic handler class
Public classAdvancedHandlerInvokerTItem, THandler
Represents an event invoker that can raise specified event for each item in collection.
Public classAggregatedDataContainer
Aggregated data container which joins the Column names from all data sources
Public classApplicationEvents
Holds events that allow performing of custom logic at specific points within the application's life cycle.
Public classApplicationModule
Application module for registering the application events globally
Public classAppSettingTValue
Defined lazy initialized setting
Public classAppSettingsService
AppSettings service
Public classAttributeHelper
Provides methods to access types attributes. Supports extra attributes provided by the Extension.
Public classAzureHelper
Helper methods and properties for Microsoft Azure integration.
Public classBaseExtensions
Extension methods.
Public classBaseModule
Represents the Settings Provider module.
Public classBaseModuleMetadata
Represents the Settings Provider module metadata.
Public classBeforeConditionalEventTArgs
Conditional event execute in before handler
Public classBoolAppSetting
Defined lazy initialized boolean setting
Public classClassEventArgs
Class event attributes
Public classClassHelper
Helper to provide general access to assemblies and classes.
Public classClassNotLoadedException
Exception which is thrown when the custom class is not loaded.
Public classClassTypeSettings
Class type settings class.
Public classCode exampleCMSActionContext
Ensures context for the actions block.
Public classCMSAppSettings
App settings.
Public classCMSConnectionStrings
Connection strings
Public classCMSEventArgs
Base class for the CMS event arguments
Public classCMSEventArgsParameterType
Base class for the CMS event arguments with one generic parameter
Public classCMSExtensibilitySection
Extensibility section for the web.config.
Public classCMSLazyTValue
Provides lazy initialization
Public classCMSParallel
Wrapper for a Parallel class, providing additional operations to make threads compatible with CMS API (such as CMSThread class)
Public classCMSRegex
Defined lazy initialized regular expression
Public classCMSStaticTValue
Static object wrapper which provides static variables based on the current context name
Public classCMSString
Helper (replace) methods for string class
Public classCMSThread
Wrapper class for Thread object with additional debug, log and context item possibilities.
Public classCMSVersion
CMS version
Public classConditionalEventTArgs
Conditional event execute in before handler
Public classConditionalEventBaseTEvent, TArgs
Defines a conditional event
Public classConditionalObjectFactoryObjectType
Object factory which includes condition on the object creation
Public classConnectionStringService
ConnectionStrings service
Public classContextContainerTParent
General container for request data
Public classCoreMethods
Base class for helpers
Public classDataContainer
Case insensitive data container class.
Public classDataRowContainer
Object encapsulating DataRow objects to be accessible via macro engine.
Public classDataSetContainer
Object encapsulating DataSet objects to be accessible via macro engine.
Public classDataTableContainer
Object encapsulating DataTable objects to be accessible via macro engine.
Public classDebugContext
Debug context
Public classDebugEventArgs
Debug event arguments
Public classDebugEvents
Debug events handlers.
Public classDebugHandler
Debug event handler.
Public classDebugHelper
Debug helping methods.
Public classDebugSettings
Container for the particular debug settings
Public classDefaultModuleUsageDataCollection
Collection of module usage data provided by module usage data source
Public classDefaultModuleUsageDataSourceContainer
Default container for registering and retrieving module usage data sources.
Public classDisposableObject
Base class for the disposable objects that can carry other depending disposable objects
Public classDynamicPropertyPropertyType
Represents a generic property
Public classEnumDataContainer
Provides wrapper for any Enum object for usage in the macro engine. Uses reflection to extract fields of the enum.
Public classEnumerableDataContainerT
Provides wrapper for any list for usage in the macro engine.
Public classEventList
Dynamic event list that allows to register and raise events
Public classExcludeFromDebug
Marks the method as not being included in debug
Public classExtendObjectType
Extension storage
Public classExtendedActionContextTContext
Base class for the extended action context
Public classExtenderT
Represents a behavior that can be attached to objects of specific type.
Public classExtendListListType, ExtensionType
List extensions
Public classExtension
Helper methods for creating extension objects from specific type
Public classExtensionTExtension
Storage for static extensions
Public classExtensionAttribute
Extension attribute. Place above particular class to register its extension.
Public classExtensionProperties
Extension properties
Public classGeneralIndexableWrapperKeyType, ValueType
Wrapper for general indexable interface
Public classGenericExtensionExtensionType
Generic extension container
Public classGenericPropertyPropertyType
Represents a generic property
Public classGetVaryByCustomStringEventArgs
Event arguments for GetVaryByCustomString event
Public classGetVaryByCustomStringHandler
Automation handler
Public classGroupedDataSource
Class providing DataSource grouping - one pass DataSource grouping.
Public classGroupedEnumerableItemType
Class providing enumerable grouping - one pass enumerable grouping.
Public classHandlersDebug
Handlers debug methods
Public classHideFromDebugContextAttribute
Marks a specific member or class to be excluded from debug context information
Public classIntAppSetting
Defined lazy initialized integer setting
Public classItemsFunctions
Items collections functions.
Public classIValidationErrorExtensions
Provides a set of extension methods for IValidationError.
Public classIValidatorExtensions
Provides a set of extension methods for IValidator.
Public classLockedSection
Locked section, locks only when the object lock is available.
Public classLockHelper
Class to provide lock objects based on the given key.
Public classLockObject
Locking object
Public classMultiKeyDictionaryValueType
Hashtable which can use multiple keys to access the same data. The keys are separated by the separator.
Public classObjectConditionTInput
Generic object condition
Public classObjectContainer
Object container for the Hashtable records.
Public classObjectExtensions
Provides methods to initialize extenders.
Public classObjectGeneratorTBase
Generator class for the various type of objects
Public classObjectLifeTimeFunctions
Class transformation functions for ObjectLifeTimeEnum
Public classOnDisposedCallback
Represents a method wrapper for a method which is called when the wrapper is disposed
Public classPropertyT
Defines a property implementation
Public classPropertyAttribute
Extension attribute
Public classPropertySettingsInfoType
Settings object for general properties registering in BaseGenericInfo.
Public classQueryEventArgs
Query event arguments
Public classQueryHandler
Query handler
Public classReadOnlyAbstractHierarchicalObjectObjectType
Read-only version of the abstract hierarchical object with SetValue hidden
Public classRecursionControl
Defines the section that can control and prevent recursion
Public classRegisteredPropertiesTParent
Container for the property registration
Public classRegisterModuleUsageDataSourceAttribute
Registers class to be a source of a module statistical data.
Public classRequestEvents
Holds events that allow performing of custom logic at specific points within the request processing.
Public classRequestItems
Inserts items into HttpContext.Current.Items.
Public classRequestLog
Contains the log information for the request.
Public classRequestLogs
Class encapsulating the request logs.
Public classRequestSettings
Container containing current request settings.
Public classRequestStockValueTValue
Defines a lazy loaded value stored in the request stock helper
Public classResetDebugSettingsWebFarmTask
Web farm task used to reset debug settings.
Public classRestartRequiredEventArgs
Event arguments for RestartRequired event.
Public classRestartRequiredHandler
Event handler for RestartRequired event.
Public classSafeDictionaryTKey, TValue
Represents a thread-safe collection of key/value pairs that can be modified by multiple threads concurrently.
Public classSafeDictionaryContainerValueType
Container to wrap the StringSafeDictionary structure
Public classSafeHashSetT
Thread-safe variant of a generic hash set
Public classSettingsHelper
Settings helper.
Public classSimpleHandler
General simple handler
Public classSimpleHandlerTParameter
General simple handler with one generic parameter
Public classSimpleHandlerTHandler, TArgs
Generic handler class
Public classSimpleQueueItem
Public classSimpleQueueWorkerT
Worker for running various simple asynchronous actions.
Public classSimpleSystemHandler
Simple System handler
Public classSimpleThreadHandler
Simple thread handler
Public classStringAppSetting
Defined lazy initialized string setting
Public classStringExtensions
Extensions for the String class
Public classStringList
Represents a list of strings separated by semicolon
Public classStringSafeDictionaryTValue
Safe dictionary indexed by string
Public classSystemContext
Environment variables
Public classSystemEventArgs
System event arguments
Public classSystemEvents
System events
Public classTaskHelper
Task management methods.
Public classThreadDebug
Thread debug helper
Public classThreadDebugItem
Thread debug item used in debug report. This class is intended for internal use only.
Public classThreadEventArgs
Thread event arguments
Public classThreadEvents
Events raised within thread processing
Public classThreadHandler
Thread handler
Public classThreadItems
Thread items collection.
Public classThreadQueueWorkerTItem, TWorker
Worker processing queue in single (one per application and generic variant), ever-running asynchronous thread
Public classThreadQueueWorkerEventArgsTItem
Thread queue worker event arguments
Public classThreadQueueWorkerEventsTItem, TWorker
Events fired by the worker
Public classThreadQueueWorkerHandlerTItem
Thread queue worker handler
Public classThreadRequiredContextAttribute
Indicates whether the marked class should be ensured before the new CMSThread is started to be available with current values within the CMSThread run.
Public classThreadSettings
The ThreadSettings class specifies basic features of a CMSThread.
Public classThreadWorkerT
Worker processing actions in single (one per application and generic variant), ever-running asynchronous thread.
Public classTwoLevelDictionaryPrimaryKeyType, SecondaryKeyType, ValueType
Dictionary with two levels of hierarchy
Public classTypeHelper
Type helper.
Public classURLEventArgs
Get URL event arguments
Public classURLHandler
Simple thread handler
Public classWindowsIdentityHelper
Helper class for managing Windows identity impersonation.
Public interfaceIAdvancedDataContainer
Data container with advanced functionality.
Public interfaceIAuthenticationService
Interface for authentication service
Public interfaceIBrowser
Describes implementation capable to gather information about the capabilities of the browser that made the current request using request headers.
Public interfaceICache
Describes implementation that contain methods for setting cache-specific HTTP headers and for controlling the web page output cache.
Public interfaceICloneThreadItem
Interface to mark the objects to be cloned for new thread items
Public interfaceICMSObject
Interface for distinguishing TreeNode and BaseInfo data types.
Public interfaceICMSStatic
Public interfaceICMSStorage
Interface to access the CMS objects and collections as storages
Public interfaceIConditionalEventTEvent
Interface for conditional events
Public interfaceIConditionalObjectFactory
Interface for the conditional object factory
Public interfaceIContext
Context interface
Public interfaceICustomizableProvider
Interface for the customizable provider
Public interfaceIDataContainer
General data container interface.
Public interfaceIExtensible
Defines an object extensible by other objects as properties
Public interfaceIGeneralIndexable
Interface to access collections through specific key type
Public interfaceIGeneralIndexableTKey, TObject
Interface to access collections through specific key type
Public interfaceIGenericExtension
Interface for the generic extension
Public interfaceIGenericProperty
Interface for the generic extension
Public interfaceIGroupedData
Hierarchical data interface
Public interfaceIHierarchicalDataContainer
General data container interface.
Public interfaceIHierarchicalObject
Interface for the hierarchically accessible object. This object provides the properties to access its connected objects.
Public interfaceIHttpApplication
Defines methods for request pipeline processing.
Public interfaceIHttpContext
Encapsulates all HTTP-specific information about an individual HTTP request.
Public interfaceIHttpContextAccessor
Encapsulates the access to IHttpContext instance.
Public interfaceIHttpCookie
Defines implementation to create and manipulate individual HTTP cookies.
Public interfaceIHttpCookieCollection
Defines implementation capable of handling collection of IHttpCookie objects.
Public interfaceIIndexable
Interface to access collections through int and string indexers
Public interfaceIIndexableT
Interface to access collections through int and string indexers
Public interfaceIMacroObject
Interface for the objects which are used in macro processing. Defines their default resolving behavior.
Public interfaceIMetadata
Basic interface for injecting metadata
Public interfaceIModuleUsageCounter
Provides access to module usage counters that are used for feature usage tracking.
Public interfaceIModuleUsageDataCollection
Collection of module usage data
Public interfaceIModuleUsageDataItem
Represents one fragment of module usage data
Public interfaceIModuleUsageDataSource
Provides statistical information about module.
Public interfaceIModuleUsageDataSourceContainer
Container for registering and retrieving module usage data sources.
Public interfaceINamedEnumerable
Sorted enumerable interface
Public interfaceINamedEnumerableT
Sorted enumerable interface
Public interfaceINameIndexable
Interface to access collections through string indexers by name
Public interfaceINameIndexableT
Interface to access collections through string indexers by name - Generic variant
Public interfaceINotCopyThreadItem
Interface to mark the objects to be not copied to new thread items
Public interfaceIObjectCondition
Interface for the object condition
Public interfaceIRecursionControlHandlerTArgs
Interface that defines the recursion control for the given handler
Public interfaceIRelatedData
Objects containing the related data reference.
Public interfaceIRequest
Defines implementation capable of reading the HTTP values sent by a client during a Web request.
Public interfaceIRequestContext
Defines implementation encapsulating information about an HTTP request that matches a defined route.
Public interfaceIResponse
Defines implementation capable of preparing web response on the server.
Public interfaceIRouteData
Defines interface encapsulating information about a route.
Public interfaceIServer
Defines implementation capable of processing web requests.
Public interfaceISession
Defines implementation providing access to session-state values and session-level settings.
Public interfaceISimpleDataContainer
Simple data container interface (does not provide any information about the columns).
Public interfaceISiteInfo
Objects containing SiteInfo properties.
Public interfaceISiteService
Interface for site service
Public interfaceITreeNode
Objects containing TreeNode properties.
Public interfaceITypedCollection
Interface to provide result type over collection
Public interfaceIUserInfo
Objects containing UserInfo properties.
Public interfaceIValidationError
Represents an error resulting from a validation.
Public interfaceIValidator
Declares members of a validator.
Public interfaceIVirtualHierarchicalObject
Interface for hierarchical object that is able to provide virtual content (for properties that would return null)
Public interfaceIVirtualTypedCollection
Interface to provide result type over collection
Public enumerationHttpCacheability
Provides enumerated values that are used to set the Cache-Control HTTP header.
Public enumerationHttpCacheRevalidation
Provides enumerated values that are used to set revalidation-specific Cache-Control HTTP headers.
Public enumerationLogStatusEnum
Logs status mode enumeration.
Public enumerationObjectLifeTimeEnum
Enumeration of object lifetime.
Public enumerationProcessStatus
Process status enumeration.
Public enumerationThreadModeEnum
Enumeration of the thread modes
Public enumerationUserPrivilegeLevelEnum
User privilege level enum