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AttachmentsWithVariantsTransformationDataProvider Methods

The AttachmentsWithVariantsTransformationDataProvider type exposes the following members.

Protected methodGetData
Gets the objects for the given object type from database
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationDataProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfosByIds
Gets the objects for the given object type from database
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationDataProvider.)
Public methodGetObject
Gets the given object.
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationDataProvider.)
Protected methodGetSingleObject
Gets a single object by object type and object ID
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationDataProvider.)
Public methodRequireObject
Marks the given object as required.
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationDataProvider.)
Public methodSetDataHandlerForType
Sets the default data handler for the given object type
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationDataProvider.)
Public methodSetDefaultDataHandler
Sets the default data handler for all object types
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationDataProvider.)
See Also