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GlobalizationMethods Methods

The GlobalizationMethods type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetCurrentDateTimeString
Returns date time string according to user or current site time zone.
Public methodStatic memberGetCustomDateTime
Returns date time with dependence on selected time zone.
Protected methodGetExtension(String)
Returns a Extension of given name (return null if specified Extension does not exist).
(Inherited from MacroExtensionContainerTContainer, TExtension.)
Protected methodGetExtension(Type, String)
Returns the extension by type and name. Does not cache the result. Does not cache the result.
(Inherited from MacroExtensionContainerTContainer, TExtension.)
Protected methodGetExtensions
Gets the extensions for the given type. Does not cache the result.
(Inherited from MacroExtensionContainerTContainer, TExtension.)
Public methodGetMethod
Returns a method of given name (return null if specified method does not exist).
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Public methodStatic memberGetSiteDateTime
Returns site date time according to site time zone.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserDateTime
Returns current user date time DateTime according to user time zone.
Protected methodRegisterExtension
Registers a Extension to the container.
(Inherited from MacroExtensionContainerTContainer, TExtension.)
Protected methodRegisterExtensions
Registers all the methods.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Public methodRegisterMethod
Registers the given method.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Protected methodRegisterMethodInternal(String, FuncEvaluationContext, Object, Object, Type, String, Int32, Object, String)
Registers the given method within the method table.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Protected methodRegisterMethodInternal(String, FuncEvaluationContext, Object, Object, Type, String, Int32, Object, String)
Registers the given method within the method table.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Protected methodRegisterMethods
Registers all the methods.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Public methodRegisterMethods(MacroMethod)
Registers the given methods.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
See Also