CMSAuthorizeNetProvider Methods |
The CMSAuthorizeNetProvider type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddAdditionalInfoToPaymentResult |
Adds some additional information to payment result, such as time stamp and payment method name.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.) | |
AuthorizePayment |
Authorizes a payment.
| |
AuthorizePaymentInternal |
Authorizes a payment.
| |
CapturePayment |
Captures a payment.
| |
CapturePaymentInternal |
Captures a payment.
| |
CheckOrder |
Check, whether Order and Shopping cart objects are present.
In case Order or ShoppingcartInfo object is not set (Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.) | |
CreatePaymentResultInfo |
Creates Authorize.Net payment result object.
(Overrides CMSPaymentGatewayProviderCreatePaymentResultInfo.) | |
DeserializeResponseT |
Process XML response and return object containing data from response.
| |
GetAddress |
Creates address for payment request. Address represents billing or shipping.
| |
GetCapturePaymentRequest |
Creates request object for capturing authorized payment.
| |
GetCustomer |
Creates customer part of payment request.
| |
GetMainMessageTextRepresentation |
Get string representation of information in message.
| |
GetMerchantAuthentication |
Creates authentication for payment request.
| |
GetOrder |
Creates order part of payment request.
| |
GetPartialAmount |
Creates partial amount part of payment request. Partial amount represents data about tax or shipping.
| |
GetPayment |
Creates payment part of payment request.
| |
GetPaymentGatewayUrl |
Returns payment gateway url.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.) | |
GetPaymentRequest |
Creates request object for performing payment.
| |
GetTransactionResponseName |
Returns transaction response name for given code.
| |
IsExpirationValid |
Validates whether expiration is valid.
| |
IsUserAuthorizedToFinishPayment |
Checks whether specified user is authorized to finish payment.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.) | |
MatchesRegex |
Returns whether given data matches regexPattern.
| |
ProcessPayment |
Processes the payment in external gateway directly.
| |
ProcessPaymentInternal |
Processes the payment in external gateway directly.
| |
ProcessRequest |
Serializes and send payment request to Authorize.NET gateway, then receive and deserialize returned response.
| |
RoundPrice |
Transform given price into string representation according to given formatProvider and formatString.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.) | |
SerializeRequestT |
Serializes given request object.
| |
TryProcessError |
Check whether response from gateway is ErrorResponse or TransactionResponse containing errors. Create error message and description.
| |
UpdateOrderPaymentResult |
Updates order payment result in database.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.) | |
UpdatePaymentInfo |
Get information about payment status and payment description.
| |
UseDelayedPayment |
Returns whether both gateway and provider shall use delayed payment method.
(Overrides CMSPaymentGatewayProviderUseDelayedPayment.) | |
ValidateCustomData |
Validates credit card paymentData submitted by user.
(Overrides CMSPaymentGatewayProviderValidateCustomData(IDictionaryString, Object).) |