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DocumentAttachmentsCopierBase Methods

The DocumentAttachmentsCopierBase type exposes the following members.

Public methodCopy
Copies attachments.
Protected methodCopyAttachmentsExceptVariants
Copies attachments except variants.
Public methodCopyFieldAttachments
Copies field attachments.
Protected methodEnsureBinaryData
Ensures binary data within the given attachment.
Protected methodGetAttachmentFields
Gets list of attachment fields.
Protected methodGetAttachmentsExceptVariants
Gets the attachments except variants for the source document.
Protected methodGetFieldWhere
Gets where condition for field attachments.
Protected methodGetVariants
Gets attachments variants based on the given list of parent IDs.
Protected methodSaveAttachment
Saves a copied attachment.
Protected methodSaveVariant
Saves a copied attachment variant.
Protected methodSaveVariantHistoryInternal
Saves the attachment variant as AttachmentHistoryInfo attachment version.
Protected methodSaveVariantInternal
Saves the attachment variant as AttachmentInfo published attachment.
Protected methodUpdateDocumentFieldValues
Updates document fields with GUID of copied attachment.
See Also