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TriggerHelper Methods

The TriggerHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberClearHashtable
Clears cached triggers for given object type.
Protected methodClearHashtableInternal
Clears cached triggers for given object type.
Public methodStatic memberGetTriggers
Gets all cached triggers.
Protected methodGetTriggersInternal
Gets all cached triggers.
Public methodStatic memberHasTriggerTypes
Checks if triggers of given types are present.
Public methodStatic memberProcessTriggers(TriggerOptions)
Processes all triggers of given type on given BaseInfo.
Public methodStatic memberProcessTriggers(IEnumerableTriggerOptions)
Processes all triggers of given type on given options collection.
Protected methodProcessTriggersInternal(TriggerOptions)
Processes all triggers of given type on given BaseInfo.
Protected methodProcessTriggersInternal(IEnumerableTriggerOptions)
Processes all triggers of given type on given options collection.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterCustomTrigger
Registers custom trigger.
Protected methodRegisterCustomTriggerInternal
Registers custom trigger.
Public methodSetAsDefaultHelper
Sets this object as the default helper
(Inherited from AbstractHelperHelperType.)
See Also