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GetMetaFileHandler Fields

The GetMetaFileHandler type exposes the following members.

Protected fielddeviceResizeIsUsed
Indicates if max resize for mobile device is used.
(Inherited from AdvancedGetFileHandler.)
Protected fieldmAllowCache
If true, the caching is allowed.
(Inherited from AdvancedGetFileHandler.)
Protected fieldmCacheMinutes
Cache minutes
(Inherited from AdvancedGetFileHandler.)
Protected fieldmClientCacheMinutes
Client cache minutes
(Inherited from AdvancedGetFileHandler.)
Protected fieldmCompleted
Indicates whether request is completed
(Inherited from AdvancedGetFileHandler.)
Protected fieldmHeight
(Inherited from AdvancedGetFileHandler.)
Protected fieldmMaxSideSize
Max. side size
(Inherited from AdvancedGetFileHandler.)
Protected fieldmResizeToDevice
Indicates whether resizing should be used for device
(Inherited from AdvancedGetFileHandler.)
Protected fieldmRevalidateClientCache
Indicates whether client cache should be revalidated
(Inherited from AdvancedGetFileHandler.)
Protected fieldmWidth
(Inherited from AdvancedGetFileHandler.)
Protected fielduseCacheItemName
Cache item name for the request.
(Inherited from AdvancedGetFileHandler.)
See Also