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TreeNodeCollection Fields

The TreeNodeCollection type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAliasPath
Alias path.
Public fieldClassNames
Class names to select.
Public fieldCombineWithDefaultCulture
Combine with default culture.
Public fieldCultureCode
Culture of the documents.
Public fieldMaxRelativeLevel
Maximum relative level.
Protected fieldmTreeProvider
Tree provider object to use for the database access.
Protected fieldmWithAllData
Collection including coupled data
Protected fieldmWithPermissionsCheck
Collection with filtered documents based on permission check in context of current user
Public fieldObjectInitializer
Provides a way how to initialize the object instance based on given data
(Inherited from InfoObjectCollectionTInfo.)
Public fieldSelectAllData
If true, the coupled data are retrieved in case class names are specified
Public fieldSelectOnlyPublished
Select only published documents.
Public fieldSiteName
Site name of the documents.
See Also