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EditedObjectAttribute Class
Defines the edited object.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.UIControls
Assembly: CMS.UIControls (in CMS.UIControls.dll) Version: 11.0.0
public class EditedObjectAttribute : AbstractAttribute, 
	ICMSFunctionalAttribute, ICMSAttribute

The EditedObjectAttribute type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContainsMacro
If true, the attribute contains macros
(Inherited from AbstractAttribute.)
Public propertyExistingObject
If True, attribute is applied only when edited object is defined.
(Inherited from AbstractAttribute.)
Public propertyFrameSetUrl
URL of frameset to redirect if necessary to display more tabs than general tab only (Versioning, Object relationships, etc.).
Public propertyIDQueryParameter
Query parameter to get the object ID.
Public propertyNewObject
If True, attribute is applied only when edited object is not defined.
(Inherited from AbstractAttribute.)
Public propertyObjectType
Object type.
Public methodApply
Applies the attribute data to the page (object).
Protected methodCheckEditedObject
Returns True if attribute should be applied. Evaluation is based on the edited object existence and ExistingObject and NewObject properties.
(Inherited from AbstractAttribute.)
Public methodGetObject
Gets the edited object.
Protected methodGetText
Gets the text for the element.
(Inherited from AbstractAttribute.)
Protected methodGetUrl
Transforms the URL to the correct format.
(Inherited from AbstractAttribute.)
Protected methodResolve
Resolves the give text.
(Inherited from AbstractAttribute.)
See Also