ContentLinkMediaSelector Class |
Namespace: CMS.UIControls
public abstract class ContentLinkMediaSelector : LinkMediaSelector
The ContentLinkMediaSelector type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ContentLinkMediaSelector |
Name | Description | |
List of columns to retrieve for nodes
Name | Description | |
AttachmentsAreTemporary |
Indicates whether the attachments are temporary.
| |
ComponentName |
Component name
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
Config |
Gets current dialog configuration.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
ControlContext |
Control context.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
CurrentAttachmentInfo |
Currently selected item.
| |
CurrentDocument |
Current document
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
CurrentPageInfo |
Current page info
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
CurrentResolver |
Control's resolver
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
CurrentSite |
Current site
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
CurrentUser |
Current user
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
DisplayMode |
Gets or sets display mode of the control.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
DocumentManager |
Document manager control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EditedObject |
Control's edited object
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
ErrorMessage |
Error message.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
HeaderActions |
Header actions control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
InfoMessage |
Information message.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
IsAction |
Indicates whether the post back is result of some hidden action.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
IsCMSDesk |
Determines whether the current control lies on the page that is currently located under the CMS Desk.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
IsCopyMoveLinkDialog |
Indicates whether the control is displayed as part of the copy/move dialog.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
IsEditImage |
Indicates whether the image was recently edited.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
IsFullDisplay |
Indicates if properties are displayed in full height mode.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
IsInAsyncPostBack |
Indicates whether the asynchronous postback occurs on the page.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
IsItemLoaded |
Indicates whether the selected item was recently loaded.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
IsLinkOutput |
Indicates whether the control output is link.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
IsLiveSite |
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
Item |
Gets or sets the value of the column.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.) | |
ItemProperties |
Returns current properties (according to OutputFormat).
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
ItemToColorize |
Gets or sets selected item to colorize.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
LastAttachmentGuid |
Gets or sets GUID of the recently selected attachment.
| |
MediaSource |
Media source.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
MessagesPlaceHolder |
Placeholder for messages
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
Parameter |
Control parameter.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.) | |
Parameters |
Dialog parameters collection.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
Properties |
Control properties.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.) | |
PropertiesUpdatePanel |
Update panel where properties control resides.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
RedirectToAccessDeniedPage |
Redirect to access denied if the access is not allowed.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
RelativePath | Obsolete.
Page relative path.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
ResourcePrefix |
Prefix for the resource strings which are used for the localization by the control and its child controls.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ResourcePrefixes |
List of cached resource prefixes for the parent hierarchy
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
SelectableContent |
Type of the content which can be selected.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
SelectablePageTypes |
Page types which can be selected
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
ShortID |
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
SourceType |
Selected source type.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
StartingPathNodeID |
Gets or sets ID of the node reflecting new root specified by starting path.
| |
StopProcessing |
Indicates if the control should perform the operations.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
TypeName | Obsolete.
Returns the object type name.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
UIContext |
Control's UI Context
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
UseCMSDeskAccessDeniedPage |
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether CMSDesk access denied page should be used.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
UsePermanentUrls |
Indicates whether the permanent URLs should be generated.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
UsesLocalMessagesPlaceHolder |
Indicates if control uses local messages placeholder
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ViewMode |
Selected view mode.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
ViewState |
ViewState - overridden for the Master page ViewState fix.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.) |
Name | Description | |
AccessDenied(String) |
Ensure access denied actions due to settings.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
AccessDenied(Int32, String) |
Ensure access denied actions due to settings.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
AccessDenied(String, String) |
Ensure access denied actions due to settings.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
AddConfirmation |
Adds confirmation text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
AddError |
Adds error text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
AddHeaderAction |
Adds specified action to the page header actions.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
AddInformation |
Adds information text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
AddMessage |
Adds message text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
AddWarning |
Adds warning text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
CheckAttachmentPermissions |
Checks attachment permissions.
| |
CheckPermissions(TreeNode) |
Performs necessary permissions check for the given document
| |
CheckPermissions(String, String) |
Check permissions for specified resource and permission type, return false is user doesn't have permissions.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
CheckPermissions(String, String, Int32) |
Check permissions for specified resource and permission type, return false is user doesn't have permissions.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
CheckPermissions(String, String, String) |
Check permissions for specified resource and permission type, return false is user doesn't have permissions.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
ClearForm |
Clears control.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
ClearSelectedItemInfo |
Clears information on selected item stored in the session when not used anymore.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
ColorizeRow |
Highlights item specified by its ID.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
DeleteAttachment |
Deletes the attachment
| |
EnsureControls |
Interface for control that is able to explicitly ensure its child controls
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
Eval(String) |
Evaluates the given value
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
Eval(String, Boolean) |
Evaluates the item data (safe version), with html encoding.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalBool |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the bool.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalDateTime |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the date time.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalDecimal |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the decimal.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalDouble |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the double.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalGuid |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the guid.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalHTML |
Evaluates the item data and doesn't encode it. Method should be used for columns with html content.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalHtmlAttribute |
Evaluates the item data, encodes it to be used in HTML attribute.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalInteger |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the integer.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalJSString |
Evaluates the item data, encodes it to be used in javascript code and encapsulates it with "'".
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalText(String) |
Evaluates the item data and encodes it. Method should be used for columns with string nonhtml content.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalText(String, Boolean) |
Evaluates the item data and encodes it. Method should be used for columns with string nonhtml content.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
GetAccessDeniedPageUrl |
Returns access denied page with dependence on current setting.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
GetContentNodeId |
Returns ID of the content node specified by its alias path.
| |
GetContentPath |
Returns path of the node specified by its ID.
| |
GetDocument |
Gets the document by node ID
| |
GetFileData |
Gets the corresponding file data for the given item data
| |
GetFlagIconUrl |
Returns resolved path to the flag image for the specified culture.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
GetImagePath |
Gets UI image relative path.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
GetImageUrl |
Gets UI image relative path.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
GetInsertItem |
Gets JavaScript object representing item being inserted.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
GetNodeDetails |
Gets the complete tree node with coupled data.
| |
GetParentNodeID |
Returns path of the node specified by its ID.
| |
GetSiteWhere |
Gets WHERE condition for available sites according field configuration.
| |
GetString |
Returns the localized string of the control's hierarchically highest parent that has the ResourcePrefix property and its translation defined.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
GetValue(String) |
Returns the value of the given property.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.) | |
GetValueReturnType(String, ReturnType) |
Returns the value of the given property.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.) | |
HasValue |
Returns true if the value of the given property is set.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.) | |
InitFromQueryString |
Initializes its properties according to the URL parameters.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
InitializeDesignScripts |
Initialize design jQuery scripts.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
LoadUserControl |
Loads the user control based on the given path
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
LogAndShowError |
Logs the exception and
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
OnContentLoaded |
Method that is called when the control content is loaded.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.) | |
OnInit |
Init event handler.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
OnLoad |
Load event handler.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
OnPreRender |
PreRender event handler.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
PerformAttachmentAction |
Performs the attachment action for the node under workflow.
| |
RaiseOnCheckPermissions(String, CMSAdminControl) |
Raises the OnCheckPermissions event, returns true when event was fired.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
RaiseOnCheckPermissions(String, String, CMSAdminControl) |
Raises the OnCheckPermissions event, returns true when event was fired.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
RaiseOnNotAllowed |
Raises the OnNotAllowed event.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
RedirectToAccessDenied(String) |
Redirects the user to Access denied page.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
RedirectToAccessDenied(Int32, String) |
Redirects the user to Access denied page.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
RedirectToAccessDenied(String, String) |
Redirects the user to Access denied page.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
RedirectToUIElementAccessDenied |
Redirects the user to Access denied page.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
RefreshContentTree |
Ensures content tree is refreshed when new folder is created in Copy/Move dialog.
| |
ReleaseContext |
Releases the control context.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
ReloadData |
Reloads control data without force reload.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
ReloadData(Boolean) |
Reloads control data.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
Render |
Render event handler.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ResolveUrl |
Resolves the given URL
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
SelectMediaItem(MediaItem) |
Performs actions necessary to select particular item from a list.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
SelectMediaItem(String, String, Int32, Int32, Int64, String, String, Int32, String) |
Performs actions necessary to select particular item from a list.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
SetContext |
Sets the control context.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.) | |
SetHelp |
Sets context help in dialog depending on current Config.
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
SetSearchFocus |
Sets the focus on a search box
(Inherited from LinkMediaSelector.) | |
SetValue |
Sets the property value of the control, setting the value affects only local property value.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.) | |
ShowChangesSaved |
Shows the general changes saved message.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ShowConfirmation |
Shows the general confirmation message.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ShowError |
Shows the specified error message, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ShowInformation |
Shows the given information on the page, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ShowMessage(MessageTypeEnum, String, String, String, Boolean) |
Shows the specified message, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ShowMessage(MessageTypeEnum, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Shows the specified message, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ShowWarning |
Shows the specified warning message, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
TrackViewState |
Tracks the view state.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.) |
Name | Description | |
CallHandled |
Calls the method handled by the exception handler. If the call doesn't succeed, the problem is reported through parent IExceptionHandler control instead of throwing unhandled exception for the entire page.
Returns true, if the call succeeded, otherwise returns false.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.) | |
GetString |
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.) |
Name | Description | |
OnCheckPermissions |
On check permissions event.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
OnCheckPermissionsExtended |
On check permissions event.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) | |
OnNotAllowed |
On not allowed event.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.) |