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LeadReplicationContext Class
Represents a SalesForce lead replication context.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.SalesForce
Assembly: CMS.SalesForce (in CMS.SalesForce.dll) Version: 11.0.0
public sealed class LeadReplicationContext

The LeadReplicationContext type exposes the following members.

Public methodLeadReplicationContext
Public propertyBatchSize
Gets or sets the maximum number of SalesForce operations in one integration API request.
Public propertyContactIdentifiers
Gets or sets an optional white list of contact identifiers.
Public propertyDefaultCompanyName
Gets or sets the company name to use when there is no account associated with the replicated contact.
Public propertyDescriptionMacro
Gets or sets the macro that provides the description of the replicated contact.
Public propertyMapping
Gets or sets the mapping of contacts to SalesForce leads.
Public propertyMinScoreValue
Gets or sets the minimum score value that the contact has to reach to be replicated.
Public propertyScoreId
Gets or sets the identifier of the score that provides the value to determine whether the contact will be replicated.
Public propertyUpdateEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the replicated leads should be updated when the bound contact has changed.
See Also