CMSAbstractLayoutWebPart Class |
Namespace: CMS.PortalEngine.Web.UI
public abstract class CMSAbstractLayoutWebPart : CMSAbstractWebPart
The CMSAbstractLayoutWebPart type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CMSAbstractLayoutWebPart |
Name | Description | |
configureScript |
Script to fire the configuration dialog.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
lblWebPartTitle |
Web part title label.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
locationRendered |
If true, the web part location script was already rendered
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mAllowDesignMode |
Allow design mode.
| |
mChildPagePlaceholders |
First level child page placeholders.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mContainer |
Container info object.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mDisableMacros |
If true, the macros are disabled.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mHeaderContainer |
Container control for the design mode header.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mHeaderControl |
Header control
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mIsDesign |
True if the web part is in design mode.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mLayoutContainer |
Layout container.
| |
mLayoutPlaceholder |
Layout placeholder
| |
mLocalProperties |
Local web part properties.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mNeedsLayoutScript |
If true, the web part needs the layouts script.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mNotResolveProperties |
List of properties that should not be resolved.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mPageCycle |
Control page cycle status.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mPageManager |
Parent page manager.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mPagePlaceholder |
Parent page placeholder.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mParentZone |
Parent web part zone.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mParentZoneSearched |
If true, the parent zone was already searched
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mPartInfo |
Web part info.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mProvideSetPropertyScript |
If true, the script for setting the property if generated.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mRelatedData |
Custom data connected to the object.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mRenderWebPartClass |
If true, the web part class is rendered
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mShortClientID |
Short client ID.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mSQLProperties |
List of SQL properties that should be escaped for SQL injection.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mStandAlone |
Specifies whether the control is StandAlone or not, if false, the control is located within PortalEngine environment.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mTitleInfo |
Title information.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mViewMode |
Local view mode.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
mWebPartZones |
Web part zones list.
| |
Constant serving as no container flag
| |
plcTitleContainer |
Web part title container
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
sb |
String builder for building of the layout.
| |
variantsLoaded |
If true, the web part variants were already loaded
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
widgetNotResolvePropertiesLoaded |
Flag if the properties of widget that shouldn't be resolved were loaded.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) |
Name | Description | |
AdditionalCssClass |
Gets or sets the additional class which is added to the web part content panel
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
AllowDesignMode |
Allow design mode.
| |
CacheDependencies |
Cache dependencies, each cache dependency on a new line.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
CacheItemName |
Name of the cache item the control will use.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
CacheMinutes |
Number of minutes the retrieved content is cached for. Zero indicates that the content will not be cached.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ChildPagePlaceholders |
Returns the table of all the inner placeholders.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ChildrenHaveVariants |
Returns true if the children components have any variants
(Overrides CMSAbstractWebPartChildrenHaveVariants.) | |
ComponentName |
Component name
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
Container |
Web part container object.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ContainerAfter |
Container to render after the control.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ContainerBefore |
Container to render before the control.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ContainerHideOnCurrentPage |
Returns true if the container should be hidden on current page (hide container on subpages in effect).
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ContainerHideOnSubPages |
Hide container on sub pages.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ContainerName |
Container name.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ContainerTitle |
Container title.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ContentAfter |
Content after.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ContentBefore |
Content before.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ContentLoaded |
Content has been loaded.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ContextResolver |
Web part context resolver.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ControlContext |
Control context.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
CPWebPartInEdit |
Indicates whether this web part is in edit mode and contains content personalization variants.
According to this setting, the web part context menu will be rendered in the edit mode.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
CssClass |
Web part CSS class.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
CurrentDocument |
Current document
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
CurrentPageInfo |
Current page info
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
CurrentSite |
Current site
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
CurrentSiteName |
Site name.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
CurrentUser |
Current user
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
CustomTimeZone |
Returns custom time zone info.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
DisableMacros |
If true, macros are not resolved in the web part properties.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
DisableViewState |
Allows disabling of the web part viewstate.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
DisplayToRoles |
Display to roles.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
DocumentManager |
Document manager control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
DocumentWizardManager |
Gets or sets current document wizard manager
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
EditedObject |
Control's edited object
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
Enabled |
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
EnableOutputFilter |
Enable output filter
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
HasVariants |
Indicates whether the web part has any variants.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
HeaderActions |
Header actions control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
HideHeader |
If true, the header of the web part is hidden in design mode
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
HideOnCurrentPage |
Returns true if the control should be hidden on current page (hide control on subpages in effect).
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
HideOnSubPages |
Hide on sub pages.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
InstanceGUID |
Web part instance GUID.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
IsDesign |
True if the web part is in design mode.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
IsLayout |
Returns true, if the web part represents layout
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
IsLiveSite |
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
IsVariant |
Indicates whether this web part is a variant of an existing web part.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
IsVisible |
Returns true if the web part is visible.
(Overrides CMSAbstractWebPartIsVisible.) | |
IsWidget |
Returns true if the web part is widget.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
Item |
Gets or sets the value of the property
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
LayoutType |
Layout type of the parent zone
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
MessagesPlaceHolder |
Placeholder for messages
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
NestedWebParts |
Nested web parts
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
NotResolveProperties |
List of the property names that should not be resolved with macros.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
OutputConvertTablesToDivs |
Convert TABLE tags to DIV tags
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
OutputFixAttributes |
Fix attributes
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
OutputFixHTML5 |
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
OutputFixJavascript |
Fix Javascript
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
OutputFixLowerCase |
Fix lower case
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
OutputFixSelfClose |
Fix self closing tags
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
OutputResolveURLs |
Resolve URLs
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
PageCycle |
Control page cycle status.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
PageManager |
Parent page manager.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
PagePlaceholder |
Parent page placeholder.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ParentHasVariants |
Returns true if the parent component has any variants
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ParentWebPart |
Parent web part, defined in case the web part is a nested web part in another web part.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ParentZone |
Parent zone.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
PartInfo |
Web part info.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
PartInstance |
Web part instance.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
PortalManager |
Portal manager for the page.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
RelatedData |
Custom data connected to the object.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
Removed |
True if the web part was removed from current template.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
RenderEnvelope |
If true, the web part renders div with web part client ID around it.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ResourcePrefix |
Prefix for the resource strings which are used for the localization.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ResourcePrefixes |
List of cached resource prefixes for the parent hierarchy
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ShortClientID |
Returns the short client ID of the web part.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ShortID |
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ShowForDocumentTypes |
Show for document types.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
SkinID |
Skin ID.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
SQLProperties |
List of the property names that are used in SQL queries and should avoid SQL injection.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
StandAlone |
Specifies whether the control is StandAlone or not, if false, the control is located within PortalEngine environment.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
StopProcessing |
Returns true if the control processing should be stopped.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
TimeZoneType |
Returns time zone type.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
TitleContainer |
Web part title container
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
TitleInfo |
Title information.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
TitleLabel |
Gets the web part title label.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
UIContext |
Control's UI Context
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
UpdatePanel |
Update panel of the web part.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
UsesLocalMessagesPlaceHolder |
Indicates if control uses local messages placeholder
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
UseUpdatePanel |
Use update panel. This property is working only in Portal Engine mode. Don't use with ASPX templates.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
VariantControlsPlaceHolder |
Placeholder containing a list of variants used for an explicit rendering.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ViewMode |
Page mode of the current web part.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
Visible |
Gets or sets whether the control is visible on the page.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
WebPartHeight |
Height of the web part
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
WebPartID |
Returns the Web part ID as registered in design mode
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
WebPartTitle |
Web part title.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
WebPartType |
Returns the web part type.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
WebPartWidth |
Width of the web part
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
WebPartZones |
Web part zones list.
| |
WidgetTitle |
Widget title.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) |
Name | Description | |
AddConfirmation |
Adds confirmation text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
AddControl(String) |
Adds the control to the layout.
| |
AddControl(Control) |
Adds the control to the layout.
| |
AddError |
Adds error text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
AddHeaderAction |
Adds specified action to the page header actions.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
AddHeaderContainer |
Adds the container for the header to the layout.
| |
AddInformation |
Adds information text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
AddMessage |
Adds message text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
AddWarning |
Adds warning text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
AddWebPart |
Adds the web part to the layout
| |
AddZone |
Adds the zone with given ID to the layout.
| |
Append |
Appends the given text to the layout.
| |
AppendAction |
Appends the given action
| |
AppendAddAction |
Appends the add to property action (increases by 1).
| |
AppendItemEnd |
Appends the code to render the item end
| |
AppendItemsInfo |
Appends the items information
| |
AppendItemStart |
Appends the code to render the item start
| |
AppendNextItemAction |
Appends the action to switch to the next item
| |
AppendPreviousItemAction |
Appends the action to switch to the previous item
| |
AppendRemoveAction |
Appends the add to property action (decreases by 1).
| |
ClearCache |
Causes clearing the control data cache, override to implement the data reloading procedure.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ClearLayout |
Clears the currently generated layout
| |
CreateChildControls |
Creates the control child controls
(Overrides CMSAbstractWebPartCreateChildControls.) | |
EnsureControls |
Interface for control that is able to explicitly ensure its child controls
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EnsureVariants |
Ensures the web part variants
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
Eval(String) |
Evaluates the given value
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
Eval(String, Boolean) |
Evaluates the item data (safe version), with html encoding.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalBool |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the bool.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalDateTime |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the date time.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalDecimal |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the decimal.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalDouble |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the double.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalGuid |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the guid.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalHTML |
Evaluates the item data and doesn't encode it. Method should be used for columns with html content.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalHtmlAttribute |
Evaluates the item data, encodes it to be used in HTML attribute.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalInteger |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the integer.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalJSString |
Evaluates the item data, encodes it to be used in javascript code and encapsulates it with "'".
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalText(String) |
Evaluates the item data and encodes it. Method should be used for columns with string nonhtml content.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
EvalText(String, Boolean) |
Evaluates the item data and encodes it. Method should be used for columns with string nonhtml content.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ExecuteForAllNested |
Executes the given action for all nested web parts
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
FinishLayout |
Finishes the layout designing.
| |
GetBothResizerScript |
Gets the script for horizontal resizer.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
GetCacheDependency |
Gets the cache dependency for the control.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
GetContainerId |
Gets the ID of the container encapsulating the web part
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
GetDefaultCacheDependendencies |
Gets the default cache dependencies for the data source.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
GetFlagIconUrl |
Returns resolved path to the flag image for the specified culture.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
GetHorizontalResizerScript |
Gets the script for horizontal resizer.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
GetIdentifier |
Gets web part identifier.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
GetImagePath |
Gets UI image relative path.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
GetImageUrl |
Gets UI image relative path.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
GetLastCurrentItem |
Gets the value of the last current item as saved in a cookie
| |
GetString |
Returns the localized string of the control's hierarchically highest parent that has the ResourcePrefix property and its translation defined.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
GetStringValue |
Gets the string value of the web part
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
GetValue |
Returns the value of the given web part property property.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
GetVariantID |
Gets the variant ID for rendering
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
GetVerticalResizerScript |
Gets the script for vertical resizer.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
LoadContent |
Load the content to the web part.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
LoadLayout |
Loads the web part layout.
| |
LoadStep |
Loads the step.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
LoadUserControl |
Loads the user control based on the given path
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
LoadZones |
Loads the web part zones contained within the web part.
| |
LogAndShowError |
Logs the exception and
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
LogEval |
Logs the evaluation of the given column to the debug
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
OnContentLoaded |
Method that is called when the page content is loaded, override to implement the control initialization after the content has been loaded.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
OnInit |
Init event handler.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
OnLoad |
Load event handler.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
OnPreRender |
PreRender event handler.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
PrepareLayout |
Prepares the web part layout.
| |
RegisterChangeLayoutItemScript |
Registers the script that changes the currently displayed item of the wizard
| |
ReleaseContext |
Releases the web part context.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ReloadData |
Causes reloading the data, override to implement the data reloading procedure.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
RemoveVariantFromCache |
Removes the variant from cache.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
Render |
Renders the control.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ResolveMacros |
Resolves the macros within current WebPart context.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ResolveUrl |
Resolves the given URL
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
SaveStepData |
Saves the wizard step data.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
SetContext |
Sets the web part context.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
SetValue |
Sets the property value of the control, setting the value affects only local property value.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ShowChangesSaved |
Shows the general changes saved message.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ShowConfirmation |
Shows the general confirmation message.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ShowError |
Shows the specified error message, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ShowInformation |
Shows the given information on the page, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ShowMessage(MessageTypeEnum, String, String, String, Boolean) |
Shows the specified message, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ShowMessage(MessageTypeEnum, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Shows the specified message, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
ShowWarning |
Shows the specified warning message, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.) | |
StartLayout |
Starts the rendering of the layout.
| |
StepFinished |
Allows you to execute additional logic after finish/save step event.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
StepLoaded |
Allows you to execute additional logic after load step event.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ValidateStepData |
Validates the wizard step data.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractWebPart.) | |
ViewModeIsDesign |
Returns true, if the web part view mode is design mode
Name | Description | |
CallHandled |
Calls the method handled by the exception handler. If the call doesn't succeed, the problem is reported through parent IExceptionHandler control instead of throwing unhandled exception for the entire page.
Returns true, if the call succeeded, otherwise returns false.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.) | |
GetString |
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.) |