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MediaLibraryHelper Class
Class providing helper methods for media library.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.MediaLibrary
Assembly: CMS.MediaLibrary (in CMS.MediaLibrary.dll) Version: 11.0.0
public class MediaLibraryHelper

The MediaLibraryHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodMediaLibraryHelper
Public fieldStatic memberOBJECT_TYPE_FOLDER
Object type for abstract media folder.
Public propertyStatic memberMediaLibraryCustomPath
Custom path to media library.
Public propertyStatic memberSuffixRegex
Suffix regex for files and folders.
Public methodStatic memberCloneLibraryFiles
Clone media library files and folder to new media library.
Public methodStatic memberCopyRecursive(Int32, DirectoryInfo, String, String, Int32, String, Boolean, Int32)
Recursive copy media library directory.
Public methodStatic memberCopyRecursive(Int32, Int32, DirectoryInfo, String, String, Int32, String, Boolean, Int32, Boolean, CloneSettings, CloneResult)
Recursive copy media library directory.
Public methodStatic memberEnsurePhysicalPath
Return file path with replaced slash ("/") to back slash ("\").
Public methodStatic memberEnsureUniqueDirectory
Ensures unique path for the specified directory. If the directory with the specified name already exist in the target location new path with the added suffix is returned. The suffix consist of '_' sign and the number.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureUniqueFileName
Ensures unique path for the specified file. If the directory with the specified name already exist in the target location new path with the added suffix is returned. The suffix consist of '_' sign and the number.
Public methodStatic memberGetAccessDeniedMessage
Returns access denied message for specified permission.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllowedExtensions
Returns allowed extensions list from settings.
Public methodStatic memberGetMediaFileHiddenFolder
Returns media file hidden folder name from settings.
Public methodStatic memberGetMediaFilePreviewSuffix
Returns media file preview suffix from settings.
Public methodStatic memberGetMediaFileUrl
Returns media file URL according to site settings.
Public methodStatic memberGetMediaLibrariesFolder
Returns root folder from settings where all media libraries are stored.
Public methodStatic memberGetMediaRootFolderPath
Returns physical path to the directory where all media libraries are stored.
Public methodStatic memberGetPreviewFileName
Returns media file preview file name.
Public methodStatic memberGetPreviewFilePath
Returns media file preview file path.
Public methodStatic memberGetTaskTitle
Gets task title.
Public methodStatic memberHasPreview
Returns true if file has preview file.
Public methodStatic memberIsExtensionAllowed
Determines whether the file with the specified extension (case insensitive) can be uploaded into library module on site specified by name.
Public methodStatic memberIsExternalLibrary
Returns true if media library root folder is outside of CMS.
Public methodStatic memberLogSynchronization(String, Int32, String, String, TaskTypeEnum, Boolean)
Logs the synchronization task for media folder.
Public methodStatic memberLogSynchronization(String, Int32, String, String, TaskTypeEnum, Int32)
Logs the synchronization task for media folder.
Public methodStatic memberLogSynchronization(String, Int32, String, String, TaskTypeEnum, Int32, Boolean)
Logs the synchronization task for media folder.
Public methodStatic memberMoveMediaFilePreview
Moves preview file into new location according new media file name.
Public methodStatic memberUseMediaLibrariesSiteFolder
Gets the value that indicates if site-specific folder should be used for media files physical files.
See Also