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PageInfoProvider Class
Provides information on the page that are necessary for its processing.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.DocumentEngine
Assembly: CMS.DocumentEngine (in CMS.DocumentEngine.dll) Version: 11.0.0
public class PageInfoProvider

The PageInfoProvider type exposes the following members.

Public methodPageInfoProvider
Public fieldStatic memberPREFIX_CMS_GETDOC
GetDoc prefix for CMS pages (pages which require authentication).
Public propertyStatic memberGetDocPrefixes
Prefixes for the available permanent document URLs.
Public propertyStatic memberUseCultureForBestPageInfoResult
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether culture should be used for selecting best result instead of URL path.
Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultAliasPath
Returns default alias name for domain or site if is defined
Public methodStatic memberGetPageInfo(String, String, String, String, Boolean)
Returns the page info for the given Alias path or URL path. Use the overload to provide node ID for better performance if possible.
Public methodStatic memberGetPageInfo(String, String, String, String, Int32, Boolean)
Returns the page info for the given Alias path or URL path. If NodeID is provided, pageinfo retrieval is faster.
Public methodStatic memberGetPageInfoForUrl
Parses the provided URL and returns a PageInfo object describing the required page in best matching culture.
Public methodStatic memberGetParentCachePageInfo
Returns cache info of the parent page.
Public methodStatic memberGetParentPropertyReturnType
Returns value inherited from parent in given culture for given column name.
Public methodStatic memberGetParentSecurePageInfo
Returns secured info of the parent page.
Public methodStatic memberGetParentSSLPageInfo
Returns SSL info of the parent page.
Public methodStatic memberGetTemplateSourcePageInfo
Gets the Page info object that defines the page template used by the given page info object.
Public methodStatic memberGetVirtualPageInfo(Int32)
Gets a virtual page info instance based on the given page template
Public methodStatic memberGetVirtualPageInfo(PageTemplateInfo)
Gets a virtual page info instance based on the given page template info
Public methodStatic memberRemoveCulturePrefix(String, String)
Returns culture code or culture alias defined in URL and removes it from input path.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveCulturePrefix(String, String, CultureInfo)
Returns culture code or culture alias defined in URL and removes it from input path.
Public methodStatic memberRemovePathPrefix
Removes prefix from path if is defined.
The class uses cache (if it's available) to store information about pages.
See Also