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FileSystemStoreJob Class
Class designated for serialization of BaseInfo objects to the file system.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.ContinuousIntegration.Internal
Assembly: CMS.ContinuousIntegration (in CMS.ContinuousIntegration.dll) Version: 11.0.0
public class FileSystemStoreJob : AbstractSingleObjectJob

The FileSystemStoreJob type exposes the following members.

Public methodFileSystemStoreJob
Creates a new file system store job with given repository configuration.
Protected propertyContentStagingTaskCollection
Object for collecting content staging tasks during CI restore.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected propertyRepositoryConfiguration
Gets the current instance of repository configuration
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected propertyRepositoryPathHelper
Object for working with file paths in file system repository.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected propertyTranslationHelper
Provides object translation. Used in serialization to optimize database calls.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected propertyUseFileMetadata
Indicates whether objects' file meta-data are used or not (see FileMetadataInfo).
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected methodCancellableForEachT(CancellationToken, IEnumerableT, ActionT)
Enumerates through collection checking cancellationToken before each iteration and performing action on each item in the collection.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected methodCancellableForEachT(CancellationToken, IEnumerableT, ActionT, Int32)
Enumerates through collection checking cancellationToken before each iteration and performing action on each item in the collection.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected methodCheckContinuousIntegrationLicense
Check license requirement for Continuous Integration and throws LicenseException if they are not met.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected methodGetNewJobWithSharedResourcesTJob
Gets new job of TJob using factoryJobGetter and initializes it with all properties used in InitializeWith``1(UMP, FileSystemJobConfiguration) of the job calling this method.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected methodInitializeCancellationToken
If provided cancellationToken is not null, the token is used; otherwise, new CancellationToken is created so as the derived class does not need to -checked each token's use.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected methodObjectSerializationExceptionMessage
Returns text that is shown in ObjectSerializationException thrown when execution of RunInternal(BaseInfo) fails with an exception.
(Overrides AbstractSingleObjectJobObjectSerializationExceptionMessage(BaseInfo).)
Protected methodRegisterTranslationRecord
Registers a new translation record into TranslationHelper.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected methodRunInternal
Stores given baseInfo to the repository by serializing it to proper repository location.
(Overrides AbstractSingleObjectJobRunInternal(BaseInfo).)
Protected methodStoreBaseInfo
Stores given baseInfo to a repository.
See Also