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ChatProtectionHelper Class
Provides methods for chat protection.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Chat
Assembly: CMS.Chat (in CMS.Chat.dll) Version: 11.0.0
public class ChatProtectionHelper : AbstractHelper<ChatProtectionHelper>

The ChatProtectionHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodChatProtectionHelper
Public methodStatic memberCheckNameForBadWords
Throws ChatBadWordsException if there are some bad words in name.
Protected methodCheckNameForBadWordsInternal
Throws ChatBadWordsException if there are some bad words in name.
Public methodStatic memberCheckOperationForFlooding
Checks if specified operation happened too early after the previous call. If it happened too early (earlier than timespan specified in settings), it is considered as flooding and operation should be stopped.
Protected methodCheckOperationForFloodingInternal
Checks if specified operation happened too early after the previous call. If it happened too early (earlier than timespan specified in settings), it is considered as flooding and operation should be stopped.
Public methodStatic memberHasCurrentUserPermission
Checks if current user (CMSUser) has permission to perform specified chat-related action.
Protected methodHasCurrentUserPermissionInternal
Checks if current user (CMSUser) has permission to perform specified chat-related action.
Public methodStatic memberHasUserPermission
Checks if specified user (CMSUser) has permission to perform specified chat-related action.
Protected methodHasUserPermissionInternal
Checks if specified user (CMSUser) has permission to perform specified chat-related action.
Public methodStatic memberIsSupportChatPanelEnabled
Indicates whether support chat panel is enabled based on chat settings and user permissions.
Protected methodIsSupportChatPanelEnabledInternal
Indicates whether support chat panel is enabled based on chat settings and user permissions.
Public methodSetAsDefaultHelper
Sets this object as the default helper
(Inherited from AbstractHelperHelperType.)
See Also