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PathHelper Class
Contains helper methods for conversion between NTFS and Amazon S3 storage.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.AmazonStorage
Assembly: CMS.AmazonStorage (in CMS.AmazonStorage.dll) Version: 11.0.0
public static class PathHelper

The PathHelper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberCachePath
Gets or sets path to local storage for cache.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrentDirectory
Gets or sets current directory.
Public propertyStatic memberTempPath
Gets or sets path to local storage for temp.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectKeyFromPath(String)
Returns object key from given path.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectKeyFromPath(String, Boolean)
Returns object key from given path.
Public methodStatic memberGetPathFromObjectKey(String, Boolean)
Returns path from given object key.
Public methodStatic memberGetPathFromObjectKey(String, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns path from given object key.
Public methodStatic memberGetPathFromObjectKey(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns path from given object key.
Public methodStatic memberGetRelativePath
Returns relative path from absolute one.
Public methodStatic memberGetValidPath(String)
Converts path to valid one (replaces slash to back slash) and lower the case in the path.
Public methodStatic memberGetValidPath(String, Boolean)
Converts path to valid one (replaces slash to back slash) and optionally lower the case in the path.
See Also