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CampaignEditViewModel Properties

The CampaignEditViewModel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCampaignID
Unique integer identifier of the campaign. Refers to the CampaignID.
Public propertyCodeName
Refers to codename of the campaign. This field is required for enabling single object pinning.
Public propertyDescription
Campaign description used in reports, provides closer details about the campaign. Refers to the CampaignDescription.
Public propertyDisplayName
Name of the campaign used in listing and all reports. Refers to the CampaignDisplayName.
Public propertySiteName
Refers to site name campaign is assigned to. This field is required for enabling single object pinning.
Public propertyStatus
Refers to the current status. Can be one of the CampaignStatusEnum.
Public propertyUTMCode
Campaign UTM code. Refers to the CampaignUTMCode.
See Also