ForumInfo Properties |
The ForumInfo type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AllowAccess |
Indicates whether the access to forum is allowed.
| |
AllowAttachFiles |
Indicates whether the files could be attached to the forum post.
| |
AllowClone |
Indicates if the object supports cloning.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
AllowMarkAsAnswer |
Indicates whether the quoting of the forum post is allowed.
| |
AllowPartialUpdate |
If true, the object allows partial updates.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
AllowPost |
Indicates whether the posts are allowed for the forum.
| |
AllowReply |
Indicates whether the replies are allowed for the forum posts.
| |
AllowRestore |
Indicates if the object supports deleting to recycle bin.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
AllowSubscribe |
Indicates whether the subscribing to the forum post is allowed.
| |
AllowTouchParent |
Indicates if parent is allowed to be touched, if exists.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
AssignedSites |
Collection of the sites to which the object is associated via site bindings (M:N relationships).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Bindings |
Collection of the binding objects for the given object where the current object is a parent of the binding.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
CacheParentData |
If true, the parent object data is cached within object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
CheckUnique |
If true, the code name is checked for uniqueness upon saving.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ChildDependencies |
Collection of the child dependencies for the given object. These are objects which should be included into the parent data (for example class data for BizForms), but aren't direct child of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Children |
Collection of the child objects for the given object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ClassName |
Returns the class name of this object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
ClearCacheMethods |
Dictionary with the methods for clearing the internal object cache [columnName] => [clearCacheAction]
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
CodeNameChanged |
Returns whether the object code name changed or not
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
CodeNameColumn |
Code name column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ColumnNames |
Column names.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
CustomizedColumns |
Gets the list of customized columns in current object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
DataClass |
Data class with the info object data.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
DeleteFiles |
Indicates if all physical files should be deleted when object will be deleted.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
DisplayNameColumn |
Display name column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ForumAccess |
Forum access bit array.
| |
ForumAllowChangeName |
Forum allow user to change the name.
| |
ForumAttachmentMaxFileSize |
Gets or sets the max file size for forum attachment, 0 = unlimited.
| |
ForumAuthorDelete |
Gets or sets the value which determines whether the author of the post can delete his own posts.
| |
ForumAuthorEdit |
Gets or sets the value which determines whether the author of the post can edit his own posts.
| |
ForumBaseUrl |
Forum base URL.
| |
ForumCommunityGroupID |
Forum community group ID
| |
ForumDescription |
Forum description.
| |
ForumDisplayEmails |
Indicates whether emails of users in posts are displayed.
| |
ForumDisplayName |
Display name.
| |
ForumDocumentID |
Forum document ID.
| |
ForumEnableAdvancedImage |
Gets or sets the value which determines whether the forum users will be able to insert Image macros into the post text using the advanced dialogs.
| |
ForumEnableAdvancedURL |
Gets or sets the value which determines whether the forum users will be able to insert URL macros into the post text using the advanced dialogs.
| |
ForumEnableCodeSnippet |
Gets or sets the value which determines whether the forum users will be able to insert Image macros into the post text.
| |
ForumEnableFontBold |
Gets or sets the value which determines whether the forum users will be able to insert Image macros into the post text.
| |
ForumEnableFontColor |
Gets or sets the value which determines whether the forum users will be able to insert font color macros into the post text.
| |
ForumEnableFontItalics |
Gets or sets the value which determines whether the forum users will be able to insert Image macros into the post text.
| |
ForumEnableFontStrike |
Gets or sets the value which determines whether the forum users will be able to insert font strike macros into the post text.
| |
ForumEnableFontUnderline |
Gets or sets the value which determines whether the forum users will be able to insert Image macros into the post text.
| |
ForumEnableImage |
Gets or sets the value which determines whether the forum users will be able to insert Image macros into the post text.
| |
ForumEnableOptIn |
Gets or sets whether the forum should use double opt-in.
| |
ForumEnableQuote |
Gets or sets the value which determines whether the forum users will be able to insert Quote macros into the post text.
| |
ForumEnableURL |
Gets or sets the value which determines whether the forum users will be able to insert URL macros into the post text.
| |
ForumGroupID |
Forum group ID.
| |
ForumGUID |
Forum GUID.
| |
ForumHTMLEditor |
Forum use HTML editor to edit posts.
| |
ForumID |
Forum ID.
| |
ForumImageMaxSideSize |
Gets or sets the maximal allowed side size of the image (larger images are resized to this size).
| |
ForumIsAnswerLimit |
Gets or sets the limit of the votes to mark the post as an answer.
| |
ForumIsLocked |
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether forum is locked.
| |
ForumLastModified |
Object last modified.
| |
ForumLastPostTime |
Last post time.
| |
ForumLastPostTimeAbsolute |
Object last modified.
| |
ForumLastPostUserName |
Last post user name.
| |
ForumLastPostUserNameAbsolute |
User name of last post.
| |
ForumLogActivity |
Indicates whether forum actions are logged as on-line marketing activities.
| |
ForumModerated |
Indicates whether forum is moderated.
| |
ForumName |
Forum name (code name).
| |
ForumOpen |
Indicates whether forum is open (users can add posts).
| |
ForumOptInApprovalURL |
Gets or sets the URL of the double opt-in page.
| |
ForumOrder |
Forum ordinal number.
| |
ForumPosts |
Number of posts.
| |
ForumPostsAbsolute |
Number of all posts.
| |
ForumRequireEmail |
Indicates whether forum requires email.
| |
ForumSendOptInConfirmation |
Gets or sets whether subscription confirmation should be sent after double opt-in e-mail.
| |
ForumSettings |
Forum settings.
| |
ForumSiteID |
Forum site ID.
| |
ForumThreads |
Number of threads.
| |
ForumThreadsAbsolute |
Number of all threads.
| |
ForumType |
Gets or sets the type of the forum.
0 = User can choose whether post is question
1 = Discussion forum (default)
2 = Answer forum
| |
ForumUnsubscriptionUrl |
Forum base URL.
| |
Forum use CAPTCHA for new post.
| |
Generalized |
Generalized interface of this object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
HasChanged |
Returns true if the object changed.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
HasData |
Returns true if the object has it's data storage initialized already
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
Icon |
Object icon
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IgnoreExternalColumns |
If true, externally stored columns are ignored and are stored normally in DB.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
InstanceGUID |
Returns the object instance GUID
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsCachedObject |
If true, the object is cached within the system for later use
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsCheckedOut |
Indicates if the object is checked out.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsCheckedOutByUserID |
Gets ID of the user who checked the object out.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsClone |
Indicates if the object is clone.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsComplete |
Returns true if the object is complete (has all columns).
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
IsDisconnected |
Returns true if this collection is disconnected from the database
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsGlobal |
Returns true if the object is global object. False if the object belongs to specific site only.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsObjectValid |
Returns true if the object is considered valid.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Item |
Gets or sets the value of the column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
LogEvents |
If true, Events tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
LogExport |
If true, export tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
LogIntegration |
If true, integration tasks are being logged.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
LogSynchronization |
Indicates how should be handled the logging of synchronization tasks on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
LogWebFarmTasks |
If true, web farm tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
MetaFiles |
Collection of the metafiles belonging to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Name |
Returns the code name of the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectCategory |
Object category.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectCodeName |
Object code name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectDisplayName |
Object display name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectFullName |
Object full name if exists
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectGroupID |
Object community group ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectGUID |
Object GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectIcon |
Object icon metafile.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectIconGUID |
Object icon GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectID |
Object ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectIsCustom |
Indicates if object is custom.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectIsCustomized |
Indicates if object is customized.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectLastModified |
Last modified time.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectOrder |
Returns the order of the object among the other objects.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectParent |
Object parent.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectParentID |
Object parent ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectSettings |
Object settings
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectSite |
Returns the object site.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectSiteID |
Object site ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectSiteName |
Object site name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectStatus |
Returns the current status of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectThumbnail |
Object thumbnail metafile.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectThumbnailGUID |
Object thumbnail GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectVersionGUID |
Object version GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
OriginalObjectCodeName |
Returns the original object code name
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
OtherBindings |
Collection of the binding objects for the given object where the current object is not a parent of the binding (parent object is on the second side).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Parent |
Object parent
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ParentObjectType |
Parent object type.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
PrioritizedProperties |
Gets the list of properties which should be prioritized in the macro controls (IntelliSense, MacroTree).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Processes |
Collection of the processes belonging to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Properties |
Properties of the object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
ReferringObjects |
Collection of the objects depending on this object (object which have FK to this object).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
RegisteredProperties |
Registered properties
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
RelatedData |
Custom data connected to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ScheduledTasks |
Collection of the scheduled tasks belonging to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
SearchType |
Gets the search type name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
Site |
Object site
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
SupportsVersioning |
Indicates if the object versioning is supported. Default false
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Thumbnail |
Object thumbnail
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
TouchCacheDependencies |
If true, cache dependencies are touched when the object is changed.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
TypeInfo |
Type information.
(Overrides BaseInfoTypeInfo.) | |
UpdateTimeStamp |
If true, timestamp of the object is updated when saved.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
UpdateVersionGUID |
If true, version GUID of the object is updated when saved.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
ValidateCodeName |
If true, the code name is validated upon saving.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
VersioningEnabled |
Indicates if the object versioning is enabled by the settings.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) |