DeleteDocumentAction Properties |
The DeleteDocumentAction type exposes the following members.
| Name | Description |
 | ActionDefinition |
Action definition.
(Inherited from BaseWorkflowActionInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | ActionStep |
Current step.
(Inherited from BaseWorkflowActionInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | AlternatingAliasPath |
Alternating alias path
 | AlternatingDocumentChildren |
Indicates if child documents should be alternated.
 | AlternatingDocumentCopyAllPaths |
Indicates if aliases should be copied.
 | AlternatingNode |
Alternating node
 | Arguments |
Action arguments
(Inherited from BaseWorkflowActionInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | Comment |
Comment used when action moves to next step.
(Inherited from BaseWorkflowActionInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | DeleteAllCultures |
Indicates if all cultures should be deleted.
 | DestroyDocument |
Indicates if the document should be destroyed.
 | InfoObject |
Current info object.
(Inherited from BaseWorkflowActionInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | InitialStep |
Current step.
(Inherited from BaseWorkflowActionInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | MacroResolver |
Macro resolver for action.
(Inherited from BaseWorkflowActionInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | Manager |
(Inherited from BaseWorkflowActionInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | Node |
Current document.
(Inherited from DocumentWorkflowAction.) |
 | OriginalStep |
Current step.
(Inherited from BaseWorkflowActionInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | Parameters |
Parameters of action.
(Inherited from BaseWorkflowActionInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | SourceAliasPath |
Source alias path
(Inherited from BaseDocumentAction.) |
 | SourceCombineWithDefaultCulture |
Specifies if return the default culture document when specified culture not found.
(Inherited from BaseDocumentAction.) |
 | SourceCulture |
Source document culture code
(Inherited from BaseDocumentAction.) |
 | SourceNode |
Node to be copied
(Inherited from BaseDocumentAction.) |
 | SourceSite |
Source site
(Inherited from BaseDocumentAction.) |
 | SourceSiteName |
Source site name
(Inherited from BaseDocumentAction.) |
 | StateObject |
Current state object.
(Inherited from BaseWorkflowActionInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | User |
User running action.
(Inherited from BaseWorkflowActionInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | Workflow |
Current workflow.
(Inherited from BaseWorkflowActionInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | WorkflowManager |
Workflow manager
(Inherited from DocumentWorkflowAction.) |
See Also