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OrderByColumn Properties

The OrderByColumn type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDirection
Order direction
Public propertyExpression
Expression (column name)
(Inherited from QueryColumnBase<TColumn>.)
Protected propertyIsImmutable
If true, this object instance is immutable, and next subsequent modification starts with a clone of the object.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase<TParent>.)
Public propertyIsSingleColumn
Returns true if this column represents a single column
(Overrides QueryColumnBase<TColumn>.IsSingleColumn.)
Public propertyName
Gets the column name
(Inherited from QueryColumnBase<TColumn>.)
Public propertyParameters
Query data parameters
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase<TParent>.)
Protected propertyTypedThis
Returns specifically typed current instance
(Inherited from QueryColumnBase<TColumn>.)
See Also