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ThreadQueueWorkerHandler<TItem> Properties

The ThreadQueueWorkerHandler< TItem> generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllow
If true, the event is allowed to be raised
(Inherited from AdvancedHandler<THandler, TArgs>.)
Protected propertyContinue
Specifies whether the context of execution should continue. If set to false, no additional events will be fired.
(Inherited from AdvancedHandler<THandler, TArgs>.)
Public propertyControlRecursion
If true, the recursion control is enabled on this handler.
(Inherited from AbstractHandler.)
Public propertyDebug
If true, the handler is included in debug
(Inherited from AbstractHandler.)
Public propertyEventArguments
Handler arguments
(Inherited from AdvancedHandler<THandler, TArgs>.)
Public propertyIsBound
Returns true if the handler has some events bound
(Inherited from AdvancedHandler<THandler, TArgs>.)
Public propertyIsStatic
True, if the handler is a static handler
(Inherited from AbstractHandler.)
Protected propertyLogItem
Handlers log item of this handler
(Inherited from AdvancedHandler<THandler, TArgs>.)
Public propertyName
Event name. The name serves for debug purposes and to uniquely identify the handler.
(Inherited from AbstractHandler.)
Public propertyOneTime
If true, this event can be executed only once. If the event was already executed, and new handler is added, it executes immediately.
(Inherited from AbstractHandler.)
Public propertyParent
Parent handler
(Inherited from AdvancedHandler<THandler, TArgs>.)
Protected propertySupportsCancel
If true, the handler supports cancelling of the event. If set and handler is already cancelled, throws an exception.
(Inherited from AdvancedHandler<THandler, TArgs>.)
Public propertyWasExecuted
Returns true if the event was already executed
(Inherited from AbstractHandler.)
Protected propertyWasFinished
Flag indicating whether the event was finished or not
(Inherited from AdvancedHandler<THandler, TArgs>.)
See Also