CMS.Search Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper |
Helper methods for search condition syntax
| |
AbstractSearchValueConverter |
Base class for search value converter
| |
CreateDefaultSearchSettingsEventArgs |
Arguments of event represented by CreateDefaultSearchSettingsHandler.
| |
CreateDefaultSearchSettingsHandler |
Handler for event raised when default search field settings is being created.
| |
CustomSearchIndexer |
Search indexer for custom search index
| |
DocumentFilterSearchResultsParameters |
Settings for search index permission check for documents
| |
DocumentSearchCondition |
Specifies parameters for document search condition
| |
ExtractionContext |
Extraction context passed to the extract method.
| |
IndexStatisticsProviders |
Maintains registered IIndexStatisticsProviders.
| |
LuceneIndexStatistics |
Encapsulates statistics of a Lucene index.
| |
LuceneIndexStatisticsProvider |
Provides statistics of Lucene indexes.
| |
LuceneSearchDocumentHelper |
Contains ILuceneSearchDocument related helper methods.
| |
SearchCondition |
Defines search condition parameters
| |
SearchContext |
Search context.
| |
SearchCrawler |
Search HTML crawler for indexing content from the output of the web site
| |
SearchEventArgs |
Search event arguments
| |
SearchEvents |
Search events.
| |
SearchException |
Base for exceptions thrown during smart search operations.
| |
SearchExtensions |
Extension methods for the search module
| |
SearchFields |
Search fields collection and field constants
| |
SearchHandler |
Search handler
| |
SearchHelper |
Provides the smart search methods.
| |
SearchIndexCultureInfo |
Search index culture.
| |
SearchIndexCultureInfoProvider |
Class providing SearchIndexCultureInfo management.
| |
SearchIndexer |
Base class for search indexer
| |
SearchIndexers |
Manages the search indexers used for specific object type
| |
SearchIndexException |
Exception thrown during smart search operations on indexes.
| |
SearchIndexInfo |
Search index.
| |
SearchIndexInfoProvider |
Class providing SearchIndexInfo management.
| |
SearchIndexProvider |
Provides indexing for particular search index type
| |
SearchIndexSiteInfo |
Search index site.
| |
SearchIndexSiteInfoProvider |
Class providing management of the Search index - Site binding.
| |
SearchMacroMethods |
Content methods - wrapping methods for macro resolver.
| |
SearchManager |
Provides the connection between search engine and specific search index implementation
| |
SearchModule |
Represents the Search module.
| |
SearchModuleMetadata |
Represents the Search module metadata.
| |
SearchParameters |
Structure to define the search parameters used for search.
| |
SearchQueryClauses |
Class with information about clauses and keywords.
| |
SearchResults |
Settings for search index permission check
| |
SearchSyntaxHelper |
Helper methods for search condition syntax
| |
SearchTaskCreationEventArgs |
Arguments for event fired when new search task is going to be created.
| |
SearchTaskCreationHandler |
Handler which belongs to an event that is fired when new search task is going to be created.
| |
SearchTaskCreationParameters |
Wrappes values required to create a new search task.
| |
SearchTaskInfo |
SearchTaskInfo data container class.
| |
SearchTaskInfoProvider |
Class providing SearchTaskInfo management.
| |
SearchTaskType |
Operation type enumeration.
| |
SearchTextExtractorManager |
Provides management over extraction of text from binary files using extension - extractor mapping.
| |
SearchValueConverter |
Base class for search value converter
Interface | Description | |
ICustomSearchIndex |
Custom search index interface.
| |
IIndexSearcher |
Interface for the index searcher
| |
IIndexStatistics |
Encapsulates statistics of an index.
| |
IIndexStatisticsProvider |
Denotes class providing index statistics.
| |
IIndexWriter |
Interface for the search index writer
| |
ILuceneSearchDocument |
Interface for the search document
| |
ISearchAnalyzer |
Defines search analyzer
| |
ISearchCrawler |
Contract for a search crawler which indexes HTML content of a web page.
| |
ISearchFilter |
Interface for the search filter
| |
ISearchFilterable |
Interface for search filter.
| |
ISearchHits |
Interface for the search result hits
| |
ISearchManager |
Provides an interface to the search index manager
| |
ISearchProvider |
Interface for search provider.
| |
ISearchSyntaxHelper |
Helper methods for search condition syntax
| |
ISearchTextExtractor |
Provides base class for text extractors from binary files.
| |
ISearchValueConverter |
Base class for search value converter
Delegate | Description | |
SearchCrawlerHtmlToPlainTextHandler |
Html to plain text version delegate.
Enumeration | Description | |
ClauseTypeEnum |
Search query clause enumeration.
| |
IndexStatusEnum |
Enumeration for index statuses.
| |
SearchFilterModeEnum |
Search filter mode enumeration.
| |
SearchModeEnum |
Search mode enumeration.
| |
SearchOptionsEnum |
Search task status enumeration.
| |
SearchScopeEnum |
Indicates if all content or only its part should be searched.
| |
SearchTaskStatusEnum |
Search task status enumeration.
| |
SearchTaskTypeEnum |
Search task type enum.